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Weird stuff does to people TV. Photo

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. ФотоEven the doctors recognize the dangers of television.

It would seem that the phrase “regular and long-time watching TV hazardous to health” as obvious as the phrase “a drop of nicotine kills a horse”. This topic has been conducted hundreds of studies and experiments, proving the dangers of television. Nevertheless, people still continue to watch it. In this collection we decided to once again remind those who can not live without TV, what they should be prepared.

Television causes problems with pressure

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

Excessive TV viewing can be fatal even for a healthy person, not to mention sick. Scientists have proved that every hour spent in front of a “blue screen” increases the risk of death from heart disease by 7%. Those who look into the “box” for 4 hours a day, die of heart problems by 28% more often. The relationship between TV obsession and heart disease remained strong even after taken into account other risk factors – lack of exercise, obesity, poor nutrition and Smoking. The reason is that those who watch television more than 90 minutes, blood pressure rises by 5 to 7 units. And the regular pressure rise while watching TV enough to have a negative effect on the heart. The researchers argue that 8% of deaths could have been avoided, if you reduce the time watching TV to 1 hour a day.

Television provokes violence

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

On this subject it has been so much research that has no doubt left. The truth is simple: the viewing of violence on TV invariably promotes violence in real life, and for several reasons. On TV violence is not so shocking and it seems more acceptable, even usual and normal. In many cases, aggression demonstrate a positive, attractive characters, and often such aggressive behavior of the characters is encouraged and admired. In addition, the demonstration on TV of the fighting excites the nervous system of the audience, so that they become more prone to aggression. As a result, the violence is no longer shocking, and people don’t feel much sympathy for his victims. Gradually, violence becomes more acceptable.

TV makes a person dumber

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

Proven that long-term daily television viewing inhibits brain. Television creates an environment in which the person is completely absent brain activity, aimed at decision-making and creation. Instead, the brain is engaged in only passive consumption of information, gradually turning into a plant. In the course of many, including very long-term experiments, it was found that people who, for a few hours a day spent watching TV memorized information compared with those who do not watch TV, as well as the intelligence level of the average were also worse. These changes usually occur gradually and are manifested most strongly in old age.

TV lowers sperm quality

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

As clearly demonstrated by the results of the study, the men who spend their hours behind the TV, put your reproductive health at serious risk. If the men that prefer TV and other ways of entertainment, there are, on average, 52 million sperm, then fans of TV, this figure drops to 37 million. In addition, a long Telesens in turn causes reduction in men testosterone necessary for sperm production. Interestingly, when the work and the men at the computer this effect was not observed. A sedentary lifestyle is also not to blame, fans of the TV viewing sperm count 30% lower than those who just moves a little.

TV turns people into criminals

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

This is especially true of the immature child’s psyche. Studies have shown that prolonged TV viewing in childhood is often associated with the development of aggressiveness, increased susceptibility to negative emotions, increased risk of mental and antisocial personality disorder in adulthood. Also, researchers found that those who spent maximum time near the screen, had a criminal record or problems with law enforcement.

TV provokes in children attention deficit disorder

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

In the 70-ies of the last century, scientists have suggested that the increase in the number of children with attention deficit disorder (add) and attention deficit disorder and giperaktivnosti (ADHD) is associated with the TV passion at an early age. Rapid change of images and sounds is much stronger sensory stimulus, than those that offers a real life going at a slower pace. As a result, the child’s brain becomes accustomed to over-stimulation and demands of its constantly – hence the hyperactivity and inability to concentrate on one subject for any significant period of time. This hypothesis was confirmed by an American researcher-pediatrician Dimitri Christakis in 2004, which found that kids aged 1 and 3 years performing in front of the TV, respectively 2.2 and 3.6 hours per day, usually 7 years have serious attention disorders.

TV increases the chances of dying from cancer

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

The authoritative German scientists on the results of our studies argue that television definitely contributes to some cancers, namely cancer of the colon, endometrium and lungs. The researchers calculated that every extra 2 hours daily sitting in front of a screen increases the risk of colon cancer by 8% and for women 10% increases the probability of getting endometrial cancer.

TV causes insomnia

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

Many of us, wanting to relax and switch before going to sleep, lying in bed, turn on the TV. However, doctors warn that such, at first sight of the innocent lessons, can have very serious consequences. This kind of leisure leads to violation of posture, sleep and the appearance of pain in the neck and back. As a result, about 48% of respondents have trouble sleeping.

Television hinders the development of language skill in children

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

The child develops their speech through active communication with other people. He listens to what people say around and combine what it hears with what is happening in real life things. Passive viewing TV in no way develops the language skills of children. In addition, the television teaches the child to perception of the world, far from reality. Watching television does not develop the logic does not teach understanding facts and images.

See also: Eerie photos that will test your courage. Photo

TV makes drinking more alcohol

Жуткие вещи, которые делает с людьми телевидение. Фото

In the study, researchers showed participants films and programs, including those that were shown drinking alcohol. In the end it turned out that such images invariably contribute to the emergence of the desire to enjoy participants in the experiment. At the same time, there was no apparent difference was presented whether the use of alcohol in the story in a positive or negative way. Respondents still showed the desire to drink any alcoholic beverage.

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