Home / Medicine / Watermelon drink for a simple cleanse the kidneys

Watermelon drink for a simple cleanse the kidneys

 Арбузный напиток для простого очищения почекWatermelon diet — one of the most effective methods of cleansing the kidneys. To carry out such cleaning, it is best to watermelon season.

Healing properties of watermelon has long been used in medicine not only in the treatment of kidney disease, but also in the treatment of gallstone disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases.

Despite the fact that watermelon contains large amounts of natural sugar, it is permitted to eat even for diabetics.

Watermelon contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, and minerals potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and fiber, which positively affects intestine peristalsis.

Watermelon flesh contains the antioxidant lycopene, which is not synthesized in the human body, it is supplied only with food.

The absorption of lycopene in the intestinal tract depends upon the presence in food of fats, this shake is yogurt.

Ingredients for the detox cocktail:

– 2 cups of watermelon pulp;
– 1 Cup fresh raspberries (can substitute frozen);
– 1 teaspoon of honey (for those who like sweeter);
2 tbsp flax seeds;
– 1/2 Cup Greek yogurt;
– the ice at will.

Mix all ingredients in a blender on high speed, add ice, garnish with mint sprig. Cocktail is ready! To drink we recommend a freshly prepared.

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