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Wanting to go to Mars has a chance

У желающих отправиться на Марс появился шансMars One is conducting another selection of volunteers for the flight to Mars.

The Mars One project is his third stage of the selection of volunteers who will go to Mars to build the first human colony.

The journalists managed to interview two participants of the qualifying round. At the moment, is the third stage of the qualifying round of the volunteers in the project Mars One, which aims to build the first human colony on Mars.

More than 200 thousand applicants applied to participate in the mission, the Commission has chosen 100 people, after passing all the stages will be selected 24 people men and women who will go on a journey with one way ticket. Journalists managed to talk with two potential voyagers Dan Carey and Josh Richards.

Men passed the first two stages of selection, at the moment they are sent the materials that they need to see for the future of the Commission. Both young men know they will never be able to return to Earth, if they choose.

If Cary hadn’t been sure at the beginning, Richards am delighted by the ideas never have to live on our planet, while Josh has a physical higher education.

Richards noted that one of the unpleasant moments was the one when it was closed in the insulated glass “house”, which gathered crowds of people and knocking on walls to attract his attention. The first settlers of Mars will embark on a mission to 2026, and the living modules will be sent in advance – in 2024

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