Home / Medicine / Waist size affects the development of liver cancer

Waist size affects the development of liver cancer

Объем талии влияет на развитие рака печениMalignant tumor of the liver is considered to be one of the most dangerous variants of cancer.

The risk of a difficult-to-diagnose cancer of the liver increases by almost 10% for every 5 cm increase in waist size.

To such conclusion experts of the American cancer community.

Analyze information on more than 1.57 million American adults showed that the risk men face of liver cancer increases by 38% with increasing body mass index at every 5 points. In women, a similar figure is 25%. The incidence of this type of cancer has increased by more than 50% over the past 10 years. The liver tumor is considered to be especially dangerous, as more than 5 years after diagnosis live only 10% of victims of this disease.

Such a mortality rate of liver cancer is that the disease develops in the absence of symptoms up to that stage, which is already incurable. American scientists conducted a meta-analysis of 14 different studies in which participants answered questions about their height, weight and other factors like tobacco and alcohol. At the time of the interviews none of them had signs of liver cancer, but after some time the disease was diagnosed in 2 of 162 people.

The study showed that people with type II diabetes, which is closely associated with obesity, 2.61 times more likely to develop cancer of the liver, and the danger was increased with the body mass index. All three factors were closely associated with increased risk of cancer. And this proves that the liver tumors are included in the list of malignant tumors, is closely associated with obesity.

The study proved that liver cancer is associated not only with excessive alcohol consumption and viral hepatitis infection, as was commonly believed.

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