Home / Science and technology / Virtual keyboard SwiftKey is accused of espionage

Virtual keyboard SwiftKey is accused of espionage

Виртуальную клавиатуру SwiftKey обвиняют в шпионаже Virtual keyboard SwiftKey, which is specifically designed for iOS and Android for the purpose of convenience, I suspect in the surveillance of their users.

The creators of this gadget have denied any such speculation. A feature of this application is the introduction of parts of artificial intelligence. This gives you the opportunity SwiftKey to predict the subsequent word, which is going to introduce the owner of the phone. This feature has become the epicenter of the problems of the company.

Earlier, people were in awe of such functions, however, for the current year, users began to show their dissatisfaction with the incorrect operation of the keyboard, because the program offered them instead of the ordinary word choices extraneous e-mail addresses and even third-party phone numbers. But the developers explain that this happened due to a failure of synchronization with the accounts. Themselves as the creators firmly say that about any spying on users is out of the question maybe it’s just the inconsistency that is contained in the internal problems of application and cloud service (which keeps information of all accounts).

To correct the mistake of the developers program temporarily blocked certain functionality of SwiftKey, in order to bring order again to test again and to allow people to use the device without any lag.

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