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Vasily Golovnin: Waiting for the Nobel stargazing for the Chinese

Василий Головнин: Ждем нобелевского звездопада для китайцев

You will laugh out loud, but the Nobel prize for medicine and physiology this year again took Japanese.

This time 71-year-old Professor, for basic research in the area of intracellular processes. Which are said to open the way to new treatments for cancer and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s — and just protection from infections. Roughly speaking, he explored the mechanisms by which cells self-cleaning, and which happen at times deadly crashes.

And last year, this wonderful medal with the profile of a mustachioed Swede for medicine-physiology was discharged, too, the Japanese Professor Omura, who shared it with Irish and working in the West Chinese. Deeper down — in 2012, the award for the same category was awarded to Japanese Professor Yamanaka — the genius of cloning.

Just some stargazing! But until recently it was considered good form to say that the Japanese can only clever to use someone else’s design while creating well-selling products, and their fundamental achievements of the brain is not enough. So waiting for the Nobel stargazing and for the Chinese from China, which quite clearly is at the Japanese development path (especially since the overseas Chinese have long been shining in the Nobel tablets).

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