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Valve removed from Steam alien video game store

Valve убрала из Steam чужой магазин видеоигрVideo game store inside the store of video games.

Clients for computer video games is not limited to large specimen type Steam, Origin or Uplay. In the wilds of the Internet plenty of other shops with their own programs. But only one of them recently decided to cheat and reach Steam through the Greenlight system.

Name daredevil Itch.io. He specializes in indie and admits a variety of independent masterpieces. On 1 April the authors of the client launched a campaign to collect “likes” on Steam Greenlight. They even promised integration with Steamworks and promised to tie achievements for buying and downloading games, matchmaking for finding gamers with similar interests and microtransactions to support the developers and get the hat.

Not very clear, seriously all of this idea or a joke, but the day before just in case Valve has blocked the page of Itch.io in Greenlight. The company’s Gabe Newell (Gabe Newell) wrote to the creators of the client letter, where he explained the reasons for its decision, saying that Steam would be glad to accept the program without any restrictions, but don’t have the necessary tools. Now Valve is supposedly focused only on several categories of applications, and Itch.io is not a member of any of them.

In General, we will not see layering “Beginning” among video game stores!

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