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Useful tips on how to avoid hypothermia

Полезные советы, как избежать переохлажденияWinter is coming, and in the winter you need to be prepared for any eventuality, including the hypothermia.

A few simple tips will help you keep warm, avoid cold and frostbite.

1. Tegrates in a warm room

If you froze and you can not immediately go home, go to the store or a café, order a warm drink and wait until you stop bashing the chills. It usually takes 15-20 minutes. Better to give preference ginger or lemon tea, but coffee from give up: it rapidly excretes a liquid that the frozen man is not what.

2. Do not drink alcohol

Doctors categorically do not recommend to drink alcohol in the cold: it dilates blood vessels, and the heat goes much faster. Eventually, the person is supercooled, but being in a state of intoxication, did not feel it. Warm up with a glass of brandy can only home, once you completely “defrosted”.

3. Do not RUB the frozen skin with snow

If the skin is pale from the cold, not in a hurry to RUB her with snow: so you just hurt. Make a light massage and hurry to hide in a warm room. Also, do not “grow” to the battery, to warm his hands in hot water from the tap or smear them with fat cream. Wait 20 minutes: the frozen areas of the skin red? This is a good sign: the blood circulation began to recover. You can now apply on hands and face nourishing cream.

4. Remove the metal accessories

Frost is not the best time for your favorite rings, bracelets, earrings and watches. They not only take away your body heat, but also prevent the normal circulation. Fold your arms across your chest, tucking his hands under the mouse – so they will quickly heat up.

5. Not in a hurry to take a hot shower

You came in from the cold and in a hurry to get warm under the jets of hot water? Not the best idea: extreme temperatures – further stress to the body. Dress in warm clothes, cuddle up in a blanket, slowly drink a Cup of tea, and then take a bath.

6. Take a pill of acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid was not in vain included the world health organization list of essential medicines. In the case of hypothermia, this drug will relieve spasm of blood vessels, and saving the heat wave will spread across your body.

7. Do not worry the feet in hot water

To avoid infection, treat the feet right in the tub. Type in a basin of water not warmer than 30 °C, and gradually increase the temperature to 40 °C. If you already started a runny nose, add to a bowl a couple of glasses of infusion of flowers of Linden: it will reduce swelling of the mucous, and you will feel much better. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes.

How to avoid hypothermia?
– Watch the humidity. Even if it’s 0 °C or a small plus, but the humidity is very high due to rain or wet snow, you run the risk of freezing is stronger than at a temperature of -5°C.
– Wear loose clothing that does not prevent the normal circulation of blood. It is necessary to dress so that between the layers was the layer of air that holds heat. Do not wear in the cold or tight-fitting things: the absence of the air gap and poor blood circulation contribute to hypothermia.
– Wearing a hat and gloves. Through the head and hands of a person loses the most heat. Avoid wearing gloves made of synthetic fabrics, bad which protects from frost.
Rest. Weakened and tired people freeze and get sick more often.
– Eat high-calorie foods. Digesting it, the body will secrete more heat.
– Before going out in the cold is useful to eat – the body needs additional energy.
– Often look in the mirror. If the face turned and lips became pale, and immediately go into the room.
– Constantly move your fingers and toes. Blood circulation will be accelerated and you will be warmer.
– Do not drink alcohol, since intoxication contributes to a rapid loss of heat, causing simultaneously an illusion of warmth. Intoxication also makes it impossible to concentrate and to see the first signs of frostbite.
– Don’t smoke in the cold. Smoking reduces peripheral blood circulation and makes the course more vulnerable to the cold.
In windy weather use a protective cream.
– Do not carry on a frost metal jewelry, including gold and silver. Metal cools very quickly and can “stick” to the skin, causing injury.
In children thermoregulation has not been established, and the elderly in a number of diseases violated. This category of the population most at risk of frostbite and hypothermia, so consider this when planning trips in the winter.

Folk remedies for colds

– Clean two medium onions, finely chopped, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and half Cup water. Put on low heat and, stirring constantly, cook until thick syrup. Cool it down and start taking one tablespoon every 4 hours.
– Dried raspberries pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes to Drink a hot infusion 2 times a day 200 ml as a diaphoretic medicine. Or brew in a thermos at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 400 grams of boiling water, leaving to infuse for 2 hours. It is recommended to drink 4 times a day for 50 ml. is Also a thermos, you can add 2 tablespoons of honey. But if the house is not a raspberry, you can brew the rose hips and honey.

– Pour into a basin of warm water, dissolve 300 grams of salt and 200 grams of dry mustard. To warm up the legs before the appearance of red color on the sole and Shin, or until the water has cooled to body temperature.
Before going to sleep in stockings pour mustard powder, cover with a warm blanket. This procedure is recommended to repeat it within two days.

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