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US policy demonstrate flexibility… and mendacity

Политики США демонстрируют гибкость... и лживость
Photo: reuters.com


Blog Sergei Filatov was true:

“It has long been noticed that in the West quite often the chiefs that have left a particular high office and retired or resigned, very abruptly change their assessment. Anyway, are starting to publicly say that “in office” never to Express would not dare”.
Sergei Filatov


As an example, use Philip Breedlove, who commanded U.S. forces and NATO in Europe from 2013 through March of the current. During his incumbency, he repeatedly spoken out against Russia, accusing Russia of aggression, etc. for example, in 2014, an article in “The Wall Street Journal” with his authorship:

“…an unprecedented period of peace was shattered by the aggression of Russia against Ukraine. For the first time since the end of world war II, a European country has grabbed part of the power of a foreign land. Day after day, we see evidence of a disruptive Russian presence inside Ukraine, retraction of combat-ready troops around its borders and a cynical attempt to rebrand Russia as the provider of humanitarian assistance. The tragic Downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 too clearly shown the global consequences of the reckless actions of Russia”.
Philip Breedlove


Rate Paphos and a number of so-called lies in this one quote. In April 2015 at a meeting of the Committee on armed services of the Senate of the U.S. Congress, devoted to the issues of military presence in Europe, four-star General described Russia as “revanchist”, demanded the building of offensive weapons of NATO in Europe and suggested the advisability of supplying weapons to Ukraine.

More recently, during a two-day visit to Tbilisi on March 22-23, Breedlove pointed to two main security problems in Europe: one is a migrant and Islamic terrorist groups, and the other is “aggressive Russia, who willingly decided to become hostile and represents a long-term threat“.

Eagle developed democracy, the hawk, the U.S. air force!

However, after the transfer of his post as commander of NATO in Europe, his performances have become much less sharp. As noted Filatov:

“In one of the publications even so surprised that he wrote: “the American General slip — what you really think in the West about Russia’s military might and its President””.
Sergei Filatov


And in fact, look at the latest interview in the “Wall Street Journal” of may 3, for example:

“When I came to this job, we really were not focused on Russia. We then tried to make Russia a partner. We are more worried about the exit from Afghanistan… But soon we saw the military power of Russia in the Crimea and in the Donbas.”
Philip Breedlove


Ie in 2013 the Pentagon in a penny nor to bleed the Russian army, but then saw “little green men”, who didn’t even shoot, and worried. Russia immediately became a potential partner as an “aggressor”, etc. However, we know this “partnership”, under Yeltsin, was enough.

This Breedlove is well aware of the validity of Russia’s actions in recent years, the cause of operational modernization of the army, etc.:

“When the cold war ended and Soviet Union collapsed, the rules of the game have been rewritten without the participation of Russian. …Russia is not interested in the violation of these rules. She is interested in their re-writing. All the efforts of Russian these days should only be considered as an attempt to become equal on the world stage”.
Philip Breedlove


Moreover, previously vehemently klekowski a hawk, ready to supply weapons to the Ukrainian “hero”, quite sensibly and peacefully talks about the need to reduce the risks of misunderstandings, etc.:

“We have, in particular, to attempt to use the Council Russia-NATO for the solution of these things.”
Philip Breedlove


The case is not unique, there is another well-known example: recently, a Federal U.S. judge Shira scheindlin, appointed Viktor bout to 25 years in prison, resigned and almost immediately Jezabel that “were under intense political pressure from the authorities“, resulting in a verdict, which now considers itself the “harsh and inappropriate“.


Alla Bout, Victor’s wife, expressing gratitude to the referee for showing courage after retirement,clarifies the situation:

“She openly says that Victor is a businessman, not a terrorist. But it is still a US citizen and could not tell the main thing: all this is revenge of special services Victor for what he pulled off some special operations and at the same time he successfully conducted an operation to liberate the Russians from Kandahar”.
Alla Bout


However, the recognition, if not of the innocence of Victor bout (there’s a complicated situation with the provocations on the part of U.S. intelligence), then the inadequacy of the sentence is revealing.

But only after leaving office!

Another example: former U.S. Secretary of state Colin Powell is outraged that the CIA and the Pentagon not warned him, the source of information about Saddam Hussein’s biological weapons a bit, to put it mildly, not reliable. Head at the same time, the European branch of the CIA, Tyler Drumheller said he earlier warned CIA Director George Tenet about the probable lie “witness”. But as it is already a bit late to apologize.

Former chief Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal Carla del Ponte, who at the time actively “cut down” the Serbs, after retiring, writes that the political leaders of this “independent” Kosovo then made money on trade of inner organs of the kidnapped Serbs. Moreover, Carla del Ponte admits in his memoirs that the relevant information was known in 1999, but the UN mission in Kosovo greatly hindered the attempts to attract Albanians to justice. Had to condemn the Serbs for lack of options, yeah… by the Way, all this was known in 2008, but the sense for Serbs – exactly nothing so far.

It appears that American officials themselves – quite adequate people, but being in the position, act in word and deed against Russia “on duty”.

That is the case, but with one important caveat. It would be strange to blame, like the General potential enemy in the quest to reinforce a grouping of troops, to provide defense, etc. But it is one thing to engage in military Affairs, as befits a General, and another to lie about the enemy, to press insinuations, etc. to Show, you might say, an unhealthy enthusiasm. Was seventy years ago, then, too, many said “we were only following orders” – so in this case, repeating the escapades about “Russian aggression” the military, especially the General, the credit do not. It is not “because I owe the post and outside the framework of official duties.

Why is this happening? We must understand that Russia and the West are now opposed to it as a system. The same Philip Breedlove said in an interview

“The decision-making process in Moscow is not closed on one person. Putin is only one figure in the middle of a small group. And we are not sure that we would be in a better position if Mr Putin was not. He may be the most reasonable voice in that group of people… And he is a very strong leader.”
Philip Breedlove


As you know, the system has properties that are not elements comprising it. Therefore, embedding the system, the person begins to “pass through himself” that not only believes the truth, but that is not part of his official duties, but is a characteristic property of the system. Here for West, Russophobia, that the machine (to the West) justifies lying and other unscrupulous means.

In the modern media love to discuss personalities – from movie stars to politicians, but to understand what is happening in the world requires an understanding of General it processes, and people are only elements of the system. For instance, the new commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Curtis, Scaparrotti has already begun to demand additional troops, said about the “provocations” of Russia, etc.

“We are faced with the growing power of Russia and its aggressive behavior, which is inconsistent with international norms”.
Curtis, Scaparrotti


I wonder what he will say after retirement?

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