Home / Oil / US Department of energy does not preclude the growth of oil production in the country by a quarter by 2040

US Department of energy does not preclude the growth of oil production in the country by a quarter by 2040

Минэнерго США не исключает роста добычи нефти в стране на четверть к 2040 году

Oil and other liquid fuel (condensate, fuel exhaust gas and biofuels, will grow in the U.S. from 14.8 million barrels per day by 25.6% to 18.6 million barrels by 2040. These figures are contained in the annual energy forecast of the US Department of energy.

According to the Agency, given the global macroeconomic uncertainty, the forecast includes a number of alternative assumptions on oil prices, availability of resources, the improvement of technology and other issues, according to PRIME.

So, the valuation of Brent crude oil in 2030 is $49 per barrel in one of the projections and $104 per barrel in the baseline scenario. The forecast high oil prices and improved macroeconomic situation, the price of oil of this brand will be $207 per barrel.

In the baseline scenario, energy, low oil prices will lead to a drop in raw material extraction in the United States in 2017 to 4.2 million barrels a day, but then production will increase to 7.1 million barrels per day in 2040.

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