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Until the end of the world in less than a year, ufologists

 До конца света осталось менее года, - уфологиThrough 278 days Nibiru will trigger a global catastrophe on Earth.

The mass media spread information that in 278 days, that is, in the next year, the planet Nibiru will approach the Earth and cause her such disasters, as the pole shift and flooding practically all of the land.

The self-proclaimed experts claim that Nibiru is now gradually slowing the rotation of the Earth, and by 2017, it will slow down by a quarter. Subsequently, the planet will cause global warming, because of which the continents, with the exception of some of the mountains, would be completely flooded. Other consequences of a rapprochement with Nibiru, according to ufologists, will be a powerful storms and volcanic eruptions.

In the ancient Sumero-Akkadian mythology is a relatively untested cosmological concept associated with Marduk, the Supreme deity of the Pantheon of Babylonia. It is assumed that this term designated a certain point in the night sky (most likely in the constellation of the dragon). Subsequently, a host of pseudo-scientific theories, which Nibiru appeared as an unknown “official” science planet Solar system once in 3600 years passing between Mars and Jupiter.

Some of these theories imply that this planet is inhabited by intelligent beings, which in the past people believed the deities. The end of the world, to provoke the gravitational influence of planets, the proponents of such theories expected in 2012. However, as stated by serious experts, the existence of the planet Nibiru is not only not confirmed by modern science, but is not implied by most of the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, from which its image was allegedly taken.

It is worth noting that in recent times many people associate Nibiru with the hypothetical ninth planet in the Solar system, the probability of the existence of which in the beginning of this year, experts said California Institute of technology Michael brown and Konstantin Batygin.

Although the existence of this planet will not be confirmed definitively, and to observe it directly scientists still did not work, she has acquired their own “apocalyptic” theories — in particular, earlier it was suggested that the gravitational field “of Planet X” could redirect to the face of the Earth many dangerous asteroids.

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