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Unloading a banana a day diet

Разгрузочная банановая однодневная диетаDoctors told about the interesting banana a day diet.

This diet is very simple to use. Another advantage of this diet is bananas year-round presence in stores.

Menu banana fasting day:

Type of diet – low-fat yogurt

Decline of weight up to 1kg

The period of use is 1 day.

Calorie – 500 – 750 calories

About what is useful to arrange fasting days, heard many. But losing weight people know that bananas and grapes with persimmons – not the diet products. They did not pass “face control” many diets and food systems. It is from them we are called to give up some nutritionists.

So at first glance it seems that the fasting day on the bananas – this is nonsense. But not only for its atypical, but also quite good results this Express diet gained popularity.

Why a banana?

As has been said, in most low calorie diets the banana has no place. But many of us are so fond of this sweet tropical fruit with a delicate flavor. Generally the damage is greatly exaggerated banana – any harm they bring themselves to a set of extra pounds do not contribute.

On the contrary, it is a valuable source of healthy carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium. Banana is practically the only gift of fate, but rather the nature of that satiety alone is able to replace much more harmful cookies or piece of cake, it helps to keep the heart muscle toned, relieves swelling, stimulates the regeneration of muscles, perfectly satisfies hunger and is struggling with depression and bad mood is not worse than chocolate and sweets. Calories in 100g. bananas quite a bit – just 89, so in reasonable doses this fruit not only can, but must be present on the table of any person who is committed to the proper and rational nutrition.

Bananas can be used for days of fasting. A very limited diet of foods is bananas and skim milk. The caloric content of one banana is about 100 calories, while a glass of skim milk is about 140 calories. Thus using the banana and milk you get a low calorie, but hearty fasting diet.

Menu handling of the day on the bananas:

The day you eat 2 or 3 bananas and drink 2-3 glasses of skim milk. This amount of food distributed in the whole day. Other products during the diet are not used.

Allowed to drink water in any quantity, clean drinking better. Allowed fruit teas without sugar. A fasting day can be repeated once a week.

Warning! With concomitant diseases ask your doctor for advice.

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