Home / Oil / Ukraine will refuse purchases of oil products in Russia

Ukraine will refuse purchases of oil products in Russia

Украина откажется от закупки нефтепродуктов в России

Ukraine will refuse purchases of oil products in Russia. This statement was made by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. According to him, although Kiev has imposed a number of sanctions against Russia, one of the key elements, purchase of oil products in Russia is not yet included in the black list.

“We have imposed a number of sanctions against Russia, but one key element is the purchase of oil products in Russia – for some reason did not hit in the sanctions list,” – said Yatsenyuk.

Ukrainian Prime Minister demanded from the Ministry of economy of the country to develop appropriate mechanisms to Friday.

“I ask the Economics Ministry to develop the mechanism of a ban on buying oil in an aggressor country which is Russian Federation, and on Friday we made the decision at an extraordinary meeting of the government”, – said Yatsenyuk

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