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Top 5 foods that will help you sleep well

Топ-5 продуктов, которые помогут хорошо выспатьсяHealthy and sound sleep in our time, a real luxury.

It seems that the more there is technological progress, the worse we sleep.

Nearly half of adults worldwide are experiencing temporary sleep disturbances, and 22% (according to NSF) regularly seek treatment because of insomnia. To solve the problem without medication, try to revise your diet.

Foods rich in protein.

Turkey, chicken, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, eggs and milk will help you relax and fall asleep. Tryptophan – an amino acid which they contain, promotes the secretion of serotonin and melatonin. And these hormones are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms – the inner biological clock of the body. If during the day you eat foods rich in animal protein (and as a side dish choose vegetables), then in the evening your body will produce enough melatonin for a restful and deep sleep.

Whole grains.

Do not refuse grain biscuits or crisp bread with bran. The elements contained in the grains, help the processing of tryptophan into melatonin and serotonin. If you have difficulty falling asleep, eat for dinner, pasta with vegetables, brown rice or baked potato and a pumpkin. Complex carbohydrates are a great source of b vitamins, which are also beneficial to sleep quality.


The berries themselves are rich in melatonin – the “sleep hormone”. And in addition, they stimulate our body to own additional secretion of melatonin. Before bed eat cherries or drink a glass of cherry juice, and keep in mind: the darker the berries, the more their nutrients.

See also: Nine reasons that prevent sleep

Nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds (and oils made from them) contain not only tryptophan but also magnesium, which has on the body a calming effect. To sleep was more calm, eat a few seeds or nuts. But limit the serving to 30 grams – more than that can cause problems with digestion.

Warm drinks.

Herbal tea (e.g. mint and chamomile), a glass of warm water with lemon juice or warm milk will help you relax and tune in to the rest. But alcoholic beverages shouldn’t drink on the night. After a couple of glasses of wine do you fall asleep pretty quickly, but as soon as alcohol will be absorbed by the body, sleep will be fitful and shallow. Perhaps at night you won’t notice, but you Wake in the morning overwhelmed.

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