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Too much sleep is harmful, doctors

Слишком долго спать вредно, - медикиThe overabundance of sleep is the cause of development of chronic diseases.

According to leading experts from the United States of America, they were able to realize unique experience.

It is reported that the implementation of the research doctors wanted to find out the impact of sleep on the body of the weak and strong floor. Thanks to information provided by a team of scientists after a series of tests, it became known that prolonged sleep has a negative impact on the health of boys and girls.

According to the authors of the studies, a regular night’s rest that lasts more than 8 hours harms the health of people.

This conclusion experts made at the end of the range of laboratory and clinical observations. In particular, as stated by a group of academics from the National medical University, in the course of the experiments, the team used around 60 thousand respondents residing on the territory of the United States of America.

According to doctors, a person need to sleep 7 hours a day. At the same time, the 9 hour rest can harm the body ladies and boys. The overabundance of sleep is the cause of development of chronic diseases like diabetes or obesity.

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