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To speed up the metabolism will help of these simple methods

Ускорить метаболизм помогут эти несложные способыFast metabolism – the key to harmony.

We all know that teenagers have a very fast metabolism. They can eat 4 buns their school canteen to wash them down with sweet soda and better things. And of course, we understand that it’s their fast metabolism. The growing body requires more calories, not all of which are digested. Consequently, young people can eat and not get fat. People are over 25 (we share your pain), metabolic processes gradually slowed down. So they have to monitor their diet more carefully.

1. Just add water!
Make sure to drink your normal water – 1,5 to 2 liters a day. Water makes our stomach work better and helps the digestive system as a whole. Besides, plenty of fluids helps maintain natural moisture balance in the skin that slows down aging. Drink water and you will lose weight!

2. Add weight training
You don’t forget that students always 2-3 times per week engaged in physical activity? Anyway, they lead a more active lifestyle. Weight training increases muscle tone, and they burn more calories at rest. Exercise at least 3 times a week and on the weekend will be cheating (the day when you can eat junk food).

3. Appreciate the dream of dignity
No need to look at the night one more episode of “Game of thrones” or watch the popular program, which ends in the morning. At the age of 16 you can go to sleep and 2am. When you are over 30, and you work a full day, your body needs proper rest. The only way he won’t release cortisol, the stress hormone that slows metabolism. Sleep more, then you can eat an extra muffin without harm to the figures.

4. Limit the reading of the news before you sleep with mobile devices
For anybody not a secret that experts recommend to limit the use of devices with blue light, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops. Because it harms not only the vision. Norwegian scientists say that exposure to blue light at night can affect glucose metabolism. Although the exact correlation is still being studied, scientists suggest to stop exposure to blue light two hours before bedtime. Blue light reduces melatonin levels, so that sleep becomes increasingly difficult. And too little sleep means weight gain.

5. Eat more protein foods
A sufficient amount of protein in each meal accelerates the metabolism. Everything is logical: in the digestion of protein foods the body spends more calories than digesting carbohydrates or fats. A recent study by American scientists shows that a diet rich in protein and fiber, helps to lose weight and build muscle mass. Enough to consume 30 g of protein for each meal, and you will accelerate the metabolism twice.

6. Drink more coffee or green tea
Although many talk about the dangers of coffee, this refreshing drink helps to speed up metabolism. Loading dose of caffeine contained in coffee and green tea helps the stomach faster and better digest food. But drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not recommended.

7. Don’t limit calorie intake
To speed up the metabolism, need to eat every 3 hours. Of course, this does not mean that you can eat bread, chips and other junk food that teenagers eat. But a balanced diet really helps to improve metabolism and leads to rapid weight loss.

See also:

8. Don’t forget to have Breakfast
Know why Teens are full of energy before lunch? Because parents force them to eat Breakfast. Their Breakfast usually consists of healthy and hearty ingredients. It helps in the morning to start the metabolic process and provides energy for 4-5 hours. So, a hearty Breakfast is the key to accelerate metabolism.

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