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To each his own…

Back to the question of the application bushing (humane) trap for the extraction of pine marten prompted me critical article V. K. Sergius, published in the “HORN” № 23, 2016 as a response to my article in one of the hunting magazines (August, 2015).

Dear V. K. Sergius! Effective catching of animals samolovama requires a great deal of self-experience that is created for a long time, so I decided to tell fellow hunters about their experiments. No urging to strictly follow my advice, I just shared the results, in my opinion, not bad, for the extraction of marten traps, which are now called “humane”. And with regards to samolovnye preferences — arc or passage, as for myself, I decided this question definitely on the hunt using only the second type of traps, and what I wish to all fans of trapping. Who wants to — I’ll try.

Prior to the adoption of the now famous “Agreement on international standards…”, I, like most of kapkanshchikova in Central Russia, hunted furs exclusively “rogosomani”. My special interest has spread to small animals cunia breed, so in my Arsenal had more of the hundreds of “my best” and “units”, and even helped in hunting dog Karelo-Finnish breed. For more than 30 years of fishing fur-bearing animals in the diaries and memory is preserved many events and occasions, stories about which would be enough for a solid essay. Like most trappers, I’ve thought of improving ways of production animals. Invented various tricks for setting traps and develop their recipes baits. The animals fell for the trick, but often, especially chemotroph or in winter thaws, kapinnie trophies consisted of otolith paws and claws. In his youth it was disappointing, and later added to the bitter of soul, aimless sufferings of the fugitives. Not mistaken if I say that hunters capinski know the truth about the advantages and disadvantages of arc coins and nothing to prove they do not need. We just sometimes difficult to overcome habits and stereotypes, that’s why I had to take up the pen. By the way, when I began to practice “high-rise” of the “my best” to marten. And today firmly convinced that this predatory dendrobates boldly goes into the trap set by “the higher, the better,” compared to the “standard” installation height 1.5-2 meters above the ground. Yes, and the attention of the overly curious, the cautious trap in the middle or terminal part of a thick tree attracts much less…

Therefore, the appearance of migratory traps I fully supported and became involved in improving the technology of their application. The first two seasons described in the “Russian hunting magazine,” he added of his game last season in the form of production 47 individuals of pine marten. The areas and participants of the hunt remains the same, but the lessons of the previous seasons completely avoided and without a single care the animals from the traps by replacing the old wire bindings to the new 2 mm wires. Tight cover houses the top and sides with spruce branches and their fully vertical installation of reduced by-catches. However, in the season happened two proleva: made a mouse-the rodents, the second — marten, managed to pull of and leave on the few hairs.

Regarding respected opponent V. K. Sergius misleading, all the houses are made of dry spruce boards with a thickness of 20 mm. Production is free from hunting time at home. Accommodation on-site and hanging on the trees are committed in the summer. For once you can carry up to six houses. We put them in storage in convenient locations for the stations, and then hung on pre-selected passages of Martens. Sometimes outweighs shelters to more productive, in our view, forest areas or added in the neighborhood for more Stalker box that is often justified. In one installation for the season often gets from two to four animals. Today, all putiki equipped 55 permanent houses. Before the start of the fishery, one or two times in the fall, be sure to refill their bait. Begin trapping in early November. The application walk-through traps hunting efficiency is significantly increased (compared to my dream-arc samolovama), and most importantly, for me, caught animal is “safe”, paws and claws in place, the fur is great.
About the height of the hanging I have said and can only add that the land frequented by people, it’s the only way to keep their trophies from the ugly two-legged creatures. Each has its own quirks. Personally, I like the high-rise setting samolovama to marten, and it justifies itself. The loss of even one valuable animal, especially in suburban forests, with the low hanging traps from the activities of another group of pests, stray dogs, not a rare phenomenon, but in a more remote location is able to naughty foxes and lynx. In my practice, alas, it happened. Therefore, our sites are approximately ten houses hung at a height of about 3-3,5 meters, and the remaining 7-8, and a maximum of 12 meters. For me personally, height is not a hindrance, in compliance with basic safety rules and skills years of climbing the trees trained on the ground the house I set for 15-20 minutes. Successfully fulfilled three of the hunting season, I hope that regularly they will last a few years.

About “humanity”, I assume you’re being ironic. These new traps should be called “killing”, and about their “humanity” is not to me but to the European Union — the initiator of the agreement that our country signed. The use of thin boards, no doubt, facilitate the design, but I was more attracted by reliability and durability, therefore, selected spruce “twenty”. To make collapsible house without one wall, that being said, “try this” and then tell the readers of “HORN”. And tell us about the wonders of fishing and a wood trap under the Central peak of the CD-1″ (your phrase from the article), just for starters managed to catch at least one marten. And just share your trappistine success, of course, if it’s not a mystery. As far as canisters suburban landfills to capture the valuable fur-bearing predator, then the flag in your hands! Besides them in the trash near Moscow, you can gather up a bunch of diapers and, on reflection, find it to good use on mustelids fishery. As they say, to each his own…

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