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On the regulation of hunting

You should thank the editors of the “HORN” because she regularly raises relevant topics for public discussion. One of them is improving hunting legislation. The last article was a well-known expert in this area — N.In. Kraeva “dead Poultices or a new law on hunting?”.

The article and the comments to it clearly demonstrated all the shortcomings of the basic law of hunting and the desire of professionals to improve the situation in the hunting sector. But it also speaks to the idea that to offer in return-then nothing, even if it is possible to change something in the legislation.
I think that in Russia there are always people who know how and what to do. Another thing is that the powers that be they want to or not. But not to use every opportunity to improve the lives of hunters by taking into account their interests in the legislation is simply criminal.

I have been hunting as a science, and I have something to offer on most of the issues. The development of any legislative acts without science is meaningless. It is science that must illuminate the road on which I should go, but this old truth recently firmly forgotten. Unfortunately, hunting is a science at a level, when the predominant opinion of experts, not knowledge in the exact Sciences. Therefore, to attract even a law of science on the level of opinion may still lead to a deadlock. No wonder criticism of the legislation is rarely accompanied by sensible suggestions. I will try to be guided only by facts and knowledge.

Hunting is a multidimensional phenomenon. You can highlight the biological basis for the use of resources, social, technological, organizational, and so on. And all of them should consider creating legal scope of activity of hunting economy. Currently, priority is only the biological aspect of the use of resources, all aimed at maintaining and increasing the number of animals, but it is not implemented and cannot be implemented fully without taking into account other aspects, especially social. We have such a mentality that a hunter is primarily a violator of the rules of hunting, which should strongly limit, so he got extra. Hence the constant ulozhenie hunting regulations, low standards of permissible exceptions and so on. Approved by the Ministry of nature protection regulations getting do not take into account neither the principle of compensation, nor the principle of substitution of hunting on natural mortality. And low standards reduce for people the possibility of lawful hunting. But that can wait.

The system of hunting laws has two of the most weak link, with which we must begin. This, above all, regulation of hunting and form of payment for the use animals ‘ resources in the form of a fee for each have not extracted the specimen. I already wrote in the newspaper, what methods of regulation of hunting, including limits, quotas, permits, daily and seasonal rules of shooting aimed only at restriction of output, are the cause of the existence of most of the problems in the hunting economy, which like neither hunters nor hunters. They also lead to distortion of accounting data animals. The fact that there is virtually no mechanism for the implementation of established norms obtaining in a particular area. Regulation of production through permits and regulations ejection does not work in practice, what the specialists know has for decades.

It can be stated that the long overdue transition to such methods of regulation that correspond to the interests and hunters, and hunting users, and the state. To do this in the framework concerning organization of haunting to correctly determine the capacity of hunting grounds and to regulate hunting. But currently there is no legislatively approved methodology of calculating this indicator.

For the first time to calculate the throughput of hunting grounds for the regulation of hunting suggested by D. N. Danilov. Territorial bandwidth was to limit the number of hunters in the household to ensure their safety, but “actual throughput” was intended to limit the extraction of hunters. Katostrofa usually use this well-known technique which, unfortunately, does not give the desired result and in fact may not regulate production as it is based on the daily rules of shooting and does not account for annual changes in the number of animals. The rules of shooting not related to the abundance of game and very different from the actual production.

This led to the fact that calculated by the method of D. N. Daniel throughput in projects concerning organization of haunting could not be used in the activity of hunting. Cancel daily allowance of shooting makes it absolutely impossible to conduct the calculations of bandwidth by this technique. The project concerning organization of haunting was useless.
So long had the task of developing a valid methodology for the calculation. The bandwidth should ensure the removal of animals within the legally established ratio of use of hunting resources, and create a mechanism for the implementation of this standard in specific areas.

In 80-ies, working in VNIIOZ, I developed a method of calculating the optimal hunting effort for the removal of a specified percentage of the number of animals on the farm. The calculation is based on the well-known fact that the daily production of the hunter at other equal conditions is directly related to the number of objects of hunting. That is, when increasing the density of the animal population grows and the average daily production and decline in its production will be proportionally reduced. This was confirmed in the course of many years of research. It remains to determine the number Ochotona for which will be withdrawn the desired percentage strength. The number Ochotona to provide for the seizure of animals in accordance with the requirements of extraction, it should be throughput of data land.

Calculation of actual bandwidth you can maintain two ways. But in any case it is necessary to know the number of species and the actual average daily production hunters at this number.

The technique described in my special articles and books, including”optimizing the use of hunting resources”, “the Typology of the hunting grounds with the basics concerning organization of haunting”), have been applied repeatedly in katostrofa projects in different regions. I must say that in the vast majority of cases to limit the hunting of bandwidth is not necessary, it happens fairly standard terms of hunting, as there are not enough hunters to exhaust the resources hare, upland or waterfowl nedoshivina. But this method of regulating the production proved to be very effective in case of intensive use of resources. It should be noted that, in addition to the problem of development of resources in accordance with the standards of permissible withdrawal, this method of bandwidth calculation creates a single system of production and census of animals on the farm. The fact is that the bandwidth of the “tuned” on the removal of known percentage of the number of standard getting. Therefore, the number of extracted individuals is a certain percent of the population, which is easy to calculate.
To verify the efficiency of the system concerning organization of haunting (classification of land, technological assessment, method of calculation of bandwidth) managed by the example of the hunting economy “Kostarevskoe, Volgograd region.

The main object of hunting in this economy is hare. Hunters get it in large quantities, resources are used fully. Hunting was forced to deny hunters the flights, they are losing income. But since 2010, the economy is conducted in our project. The actual average production of the hare was determined to 0.44 individuals per day. To calculate the bandwidth used a standard of getting to 40 percent. For the implementation of this standard was required 2784 hunting day. This made the throughput of the lands of the farm by hare. Permits for hunting this species it was possible to sell to everyone, but the hunt must cease upon exhaustion of the bandwidth. It is possible to increase the number of hunters to a hare, all had the opportunity for legal hunting.Employees of the hunting economy held annually population census of the hare method run on permanent monitoring plots. This is a fairly accurate, albeit time consuming method of accounting. In the economy in recent years, there were 1430-1508 rabbits and hares were extracted 580-600.

The analysis of these data showed that the resources of the hare for three years at a given bandwidth was used in the range of 39 to 42 percent, averaging 40 percent, which is equal to the projected withdrawal. Therefore, using the bandwidth of the grounds solved the problem of the regulation of the exploitation of hare without the involvement of other ways. It bandwidth ensured compliance with production standards. Unnecessary steel daily and seasonal production standards that is completely unjustified and push hunters for violations of hunting.

The results permitted to verify and the scope of the census of production. The difference of the results obtained by this method and the method of the run amounted to one percent, which is within the statistical errors into account. Therefore, the method of counting the number of extracted individuals gives acceptable results without the expense of funds, time and labor. In the future it may eliminate the need for farms and notorious method faceshield.

As you can see, a simple calculation of throughput for our method creates a single system of use and accounting of game animals and the mechanism of implementation of the established standards exemptions in specific areas. Until recently, such a mechanism did not exist, and attempts to implement it using limits, licenses, or permits for the prey animals had no success. It is necessary to make the project concerning organization of haunting performed by this technique and was mandatory for hotpolitics. Through the standards concerning organization of haunting the state could implement its policy in the sphere of hunting, and the hunters would get operational independence.

There is another consequence of this method of regulation of hunting in the farm of noted a sharp reduction in cases of violation of rules of hunting, as all the hunters had the opportunity of legal hunting, i.e. to implement the principle of social equality of the hunters. It is also important that the bandwidth remains correct, despite the fluctuations in the number of animals by year, until, until the area of land.

On similar principles developed and tested methodology of extraction of valuable fur-bearing animals (the certificate on the invention), and ungulates. But for their implementation requires appropriate legislative changes. Most importantly — understand how and in what direction it is necessary to change the hunting laws. But the hunters did not get out and did not cheat the state, not showing the real production of small species, it is necessary to establish a fee, not for an individual, and for the entire season as a whole, as it was previously. After the introduction of fees for total fees of an individual is considerably reduced, which stated in 2010 the participants of the jubilee conference of the faculty of the Vyatka state agricultural Academy. Payment for an individual is appropriate only when hunting for “boxed types”: ungulates and bear. But the mining permit should be a means of control rather than regulation of hunting. Then will disappear and the problem of distribution of permissions which are always in short supply.
In conclusion, we wish — “he who Has ears, let him hear!”

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