Home / Medicine / Thyroid health is in danger, if the house can find these things

Thyroid health is in danger, if the house can find these things

Здоровье щитовидки в опасности, если дома находятся эти вещиIt turns out, even at home or in the workplace we can harm your health.

Thyroid gland is a small organ. It is located in the lower part of our neck and has a butterfly shape, says the Chronicle.Info with reference for Novosti.

Despite its small size, the thyroid gland plays an extremely important role in the functioning of all systems of the human body, as responsible for the metabolic processes occurring in it.

In the thyroid if there are any changes, this is reflected in the work of many other organs of our body that can significantly reduce quality of life due to the development of various diseases.

The accumulation in the body of toxins and other harmful substances — the most common cause of problems with the thyroid gland.

Of course, it is possible to reduce the impact of toxins, if to lead a healthy lifestyle. But on the other hand, if you regularly use these household products, no HLS does not help.

Why? Because a huge number of products of household chemical cleaners and just the objects that daily surround us, contain all the same toxins. And if you really want to take care of your health, then it is desirable to reduce their use to a minimum, if you cannot completely reject them. This will be another sure way to protect yourself from the risks of such problems occurring.

1. Pesticides

Not one scientific study confirmed that people in contact with pesticides, have higher chances of developing diseases of the thyroid gland.

One of these studies also proved that the risk groups are the relatives of those who are in contact with pesticides. For example, wives of men who are on duty every day dealing with pesticides are at a greater risk of disease compared with wives of men more healthy professions.

Another study warns us that 60% of the pesticides used in our days, do cause certain changes in the thyroid gland.

From this we can conclude that all these many herbicides, antifungal agents, insecticides and all sprayed and watered crops, is harmful to the thyroid gland in particular and our health in General.

2. Flame retardant

Flame retardants (or as they are called polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDE)) also cause changes in the thyroid gland.

They are on the TV screens and computers, as well as in the fillings of upholstered furniture, carpets and other things.

Moreover, the impact of PBDEs can cause behavioral problems and other problems with development.

3. Plastic

Long been known that plastic is not useful for man. The main reason is the antimony, which is part of it. It “leaks” from plastic containers and into our body.

Recently, scientists from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) found antimony in fruit juices and drinks supplied in plastic containers. What even more surprised scientists is that the level of this chemical is 2,5 times higher than are allowed for regular tap water!

It was also revealed that some phthalates included in the plastic bottles, also negatively affect the thyroid gland.

4. Non-stick means

As a General rule, most non-stick means comprise compounds perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). It is a chemical substance that is used in the manufacture of Teflon coatings, packaging for food and other household items that we constantly use in everyday life and do not think about their harm.

And while this chemical has a negative impact on our thyroid gland. Therefore, it is better to completely abandon using them to be sure to protect yourself from possible diseases.

5. Toothpaste with triclosan

Some types of toothpaste contain triclosan, which negatively affects the thyroid, the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Triclosan is an extremely dangerous substance because it prevents proper production of thyroid hormones, thus affecting the normal work of the reproductive system and slows down your metabolism.

6. Antibacterial agents

In the world today, the boom in antibacterial soap, wipes, sanitizer and lotions for the skin. But they may contain triclosan, which we mentioned above.

Why he’s needed? The fact is that triclosan acts like an antibiotic itself, it is able to control various bacteria that enter the us on the skin of hands, feet, teeth and other body parts.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of it is, but it is harmful to other bodily functions (e.g. thyroid gland). One treat, another cripple, as they say.

7. Heavy metals

Most chemicals that we use in everyday life, contain a certain amount of heavy metals, such as, for example, mercury or lead. They can lead to the development of autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s or graves ‘ disease).

8. Soy

The composition includes soy protein phytoestrogens, which can interfere with the thyroid peroxidase.

Therefore, this product interferes with the normal functioning of thyroid gland by blocking the body’s ability to use iodine, and it is during this process of iron and produces hormones.

In addition, soybean is in most cases genetically modified (GMO), and although the evidence is not yet, it is believed that in the long run it may also cause harm.

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