Home / Medicine / These household items are harmful to the health of the thyroid

These household items are harmful to the health of the thyroid

Эти бытовые предметы вредят здоровью щитовидкиWhat household items are harmful to the health of the thyroid gland – we will investigate.

Experts have identified at least eight household items that are harmful to the thyroid gland. Apparently, it is necessary to clarify that the thyroid gland is a very small body (butterfly shape), which is located in the lower part of our neck. For all its small size, the thyroid gland plays a very important role in the functioning of all systems of the human body – it is responsible for the metabolic processes occurring in it.

When the thyroid gland fails, it affects many other organs of our body, which leads to reduced quality of life due to the development of various diseases.

To take care of their health, it is desirable to minimize the use of some household items that are harmful to the thyroid gland to reduce the risk of such problems.


It was found that people in contact with pesticides have higher risks of developing thyroid disease. While this condition immediately affects the relatives of people “at risk”: for example, wives of men who are dealing with pesticides are at a greater risk of development of thyroid diseases in comparison with women people healthier professions. It was found that 60% of modern pesticides do cause certain changes in the thyroid gland.

To protect yourself, minimize contact with multiple antifungals, herbicides and insecticides – all sprayed and watered crops.

Flame retardants

Flame retardants also cause changes in the thyroid gland. These tools are usually found on the surfaces of TVs and computers and cause problems with the development of boleznei thyroid.


Plastic has a negative impact on the body due to a component such as antimony, which “leaks” from plastic containers and into our body. Antimony in juices and fruit drinks sold in plastic containers, 2.5 times higher than are allowed for regular tap water! To join the antimony and phthalates, which are also used in plastic bottles, and have a negative impact on the thyroid gland.

Non-stick means

They mostly contain compounds perfluorooctanoic acid, which is used in the manufacture of Teflon coatings, packaging for food products and many other household things that we use constantly, with no sense of purpose.

The advice is simple – it is better to completely abandon using them to protect themselves from possible diseases of the thyroid.

Toothpaste with triclosan

Triclosan — a dangerous substance that prevents the correct development of hormones of a thyroid gland. It disrupts the normal functioning of the reproductive system and slows down metabolism.

Antibacterial agents

Now sold a great many and almost every of them contain triclosan, which we mentioned above. This element itself acts as an antibiotic, it is able to control a variety of bacteria, which get us to the skin of hands, feet, teeth, and other parts of the body. On one hand it is useful and which is harmful to other bodily functions (e.g., thyroid).

Heavy metals

It is important to know and remember that most chemicals that we use in everyday life contain heavy metals (mercury, lead or aluminum), which can lead to the development of thyroid diseases.


Soy due to phytoestrogens, which are included in its composition, prevents normal work of the thyroid gland, inhibit the body’s ability to use iodine and hormones. Especially now that most of the soy is genetically modified (it is conventionally considered due to that harmful to health).

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