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Three options of Breakfast for those who want to lose weight

Три варианта завтраков для тех, кто хочет похудетьNutritionists insist that all adults and children have Breakfast, regardless of whether on diet or not.

Morning meal not just causes the body to Wake up and be filled with useful energy, but also significantly affect the appetite throughout the day. That is, if before, people had a hearty Breakfast, before lunch he is unlikely to experience a wild hunger which usually overtakes all who forgot to eat this morning or not yet.

People sitting on a diet or adhering to the rules of healthy nutrition, peculiar to Breakfast. But almost all face the fact that I do not know what to eat you can, and what cannot. Nutritionists have repeatedly carried out research on this subject and came to the conclusion that the caloric content of the Breakfast should be at least 1/3 of the daily requirement. Although, there is still one snag, the following products: smoked products, meat, pastries, cakes, fizzy drinks and packaged juices, prepared foods, cereal and instant noodles and so on for Breakfast the doctors do not recommend to use, and for those who want to be healthy and slim, and not worth not eat such healthy food.

Three options of Breakfast for those who want to lose weight:

1. Buckwheat or oatmeal. Maybe someone will not agree that this is the best cereal that can be prepared for Breakfast, but in fact it is true. By the way, if you do not want to miss over the plate with oatmeal, you can add raisins, 2-3 walnuts, grated apples, and any berries that are in the fridge. Buckwheat is also possible to diversify, eating it with yogurt, yogurt or milk.

2. Cottage cheese with fruit, tea or coffee. In General, all dairy products are considered to be useful is it at any time of the day, but for Breakfast, to benefit health and to forget about the hunger, it is best to eat cheese and drink natural yogurt. From a Cup of the beloved hot drink you can’t refuse, as it has its positive properties, for example, coffee will keep you awake and uplifting. To the cream cheese and yogurt, you can add any fruit, berries, the same nuts and so on. The only thing for losing weight it is important to minimize the use of sugar.

3. Fruit and vegetable smoothies. Their usefulness can not even speak, because the adult knows that in raw vegetables, fruits, berries and greens contain much more vitamins and minerals than when they are heat treated. However, here, nutritionists argue and can’t come to a compromise. It’s all in the acid contained in almost all fruits and vegetables. On an empty stomach a half of doctors specializing in nutrition, prohibit to eat raw fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is rational first to drink water and eat toast with butter or low-fat cheese, and then drink a smoothie.

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