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This recipe will help to get rid of toxins and lose weight

Этот доступный рецепт поможет избавиться от шлаков и похудетьJelly their simple ingredients.

We offer jelly has an excellent cleansing effect on the human body.

For its preparation we need:

Raw beetroot, grated – 3 tablespoons.
Hercules – 3 tablespoons.
Prunes – 10 PCs.

All components pour 2 liters of boiling water, bring again to a boil and cook on slow heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain.

For a couple of hours before going to sleep, have received jelly as much as you can. In the morning, instead of Breakfast, eat grounds, which remained after the broth is strained.

This drink is very good once a week to arrange fasting day. Components increase in two times. Take the resulting broth during the day instead of food.

Keep in mind that those pounds that you will lose for that day will not be true fat loss. Leave the excess fluid and stagnant feces.

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