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This product is especially useful for liver health

Этот продукт особенно полезен для здоровья печениWhy does everyone need to eat fat hard cheese varieties.

Scientists have discovered a useful property of a solid fat cheese varieties and told why they need to be eaten every day.

Before experts assured us that the regular consumption of fatty foods is dangerous to health, as it promotes the production of harmful cholesterol. This substance can clog blood vessels and negatively affects the cardiovascular system. But recently made more discoveries in favor of a fatty product. So, for example, was exonerated eggs and bacon. Now the turn has come and fatty cheeses.

Specialists from Denmark in the course of the conducted experiment found that daily consumption of a solid fat cheese varieties leads to the improvement of health and increase in the blood level of good cholesterol.

Experts from the University of Copenhagen for the 3-month studies, invited 139 volunteers. They were divided into three groups. One group of participants daily was supposed to consume 80 g of hard fat cheese varieties, the second – 80 g hard cheese with low fat content, and the third group was the control group and the cheese did not eat. Volunteers from the third group daily and ate a sandwich with jam. At the beginning of the experiment, the scientists carried out blood sampling from all participants to determine the level of bad cholesterol.

At the end of the study, the experts have carried out repeated blood sampling from all participants, and found that the level of bad cholesterol none of the participants have been changed in one direction or another. However, the volunteers from the first group significantly increased the level of high density lipoprotein. These substances are professionals often called “good” cholesterol, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

By the way, recently Japanese scientists also decided to investigate the effect of solid fat cheeses on human health. They proved that regular consumption of cheese has a positive effect on the liver, as it prevents the accumulation of fat around the body. Cheese speed up the metabolism, which positively affects the figure.

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