Home / Medicine / This drink helps to control weight in autumn

This drink helps to control weight in autumn

Этот напиток поможет контролировать вес осеньюFor those who lead an active lifestyle and watching their appearance, figure and health, green tea is an essential product.

Due to the unique set of microelements and active substances in green tea not only boosts metabolism, but also actively prevents fat deposited in the most problematic places in the autumn is the best drink for weight control.

The habit of drinking morning green tea instead of coffee will not only strengthen the immune system and adds vitality to you, but will help the body faster to Wake up and “start” the metabolism. In addition, green tea boosts immunity and helps the body to actively deal with the surrounding viruses and bacteria.

“For those who are watching your weight or trying to lose weight, it is also important that green tea calms the feeling of hunger and even helps you to get enough after a meal. It is low in calories, but have a body of valuable microelements in addition, this drink contains vitamins C, P, B, K, PP, A, D, E and trace elements fluorine, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and calcium. And this is a great antioxidant that slows the aging process of cells,” doctor Victoria Savitskaya.

According to the expert, for weight control and strengthening immunity drinks do play a very important role, because people who want to be slim and healthy, while remaining young for as long as possible, must follow the correct drinking regime.

“The shortage of liquid, the metabolism slows down, calories spent is slower, and the extra inches on the waist and hips, by contrast, is growing faster. Water helps to get rid of the existing excess weight, because through it are removed from the body harmful toxins, waste products and toxins.

Be sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, this will cause the stomach to begin to work harder, but the feeling of hunger a little dull. But during the meal to drink is not worth a lot, as well as immediately after – it will affect the absorption of nutrients and the intensity of digestion” – said the expert.

Thus, according to the doctor, the best drink for quenching thirst and maintaining all body functions, is the most ordinary water, with a slice of lemon. And, of course, do not forget about green tea, also is very useful herbal tea. But from any sugary drinks, soda, packaged juices should be abandoned once and for all.

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