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These symptoms of kidney disease

Названы симптомы болезней почекThese symptoms is reason to seek medical attention.

Kidney diseases are quite common nowadays. Every tenth Ukrainian is suffering from some infirmity of the organs of excretion. Nephrologist Gridasova Antonina told about the symptoms, the most strange to the uninitiated that people are mistaken for other health problems.

1. Pressure drops
The kidneys and adrenal glands through the hormones renin and aldosterone “control” blood pressure. If it disrupts their work, can develop hypertension. When measuring pressure the bottom number is called “renal” (diastolic pressure).
It is above 90? It is an occasion to examine the organs of excretion: urine tests for protein content, a blood tests, kidney hormones, ultrasound or CT scan. Often, in order that the pressure returned to normal, it is enough to sit on a salt-free diet, take enough drink (1.5 litres a day), to build a dream.

2. Pain in the groin
In chronic pyelonephritis (inflammation of the pan-renal pelvis system of the kidney) symptoms are often erased. It could take many years, and then suddenly felt strange signs. For example, pain in the groin area or under the ribs, nausea, aching joints. After a few days the pain has clearly “tied” to the affected kidney. By the way, the pyelonephritis the prevalence is second only to SARS. So “popular” it is because of habit of many people to SuperCool. If the pyelonephritis diagnosed once, the first year every three months, you must pass tests to keep the disease under control.

3. False-thrush
Itching in the genital area and a little irritation, cramps during urination – all this signals a high salt extraction, the so-called salt diathesis. This can lead to the abundance of salt in the diet, the love of Solanaceae (tomatoes, eggplants). To prevent kidney stones, is the time to exclude foods rich in calcium (cheese, cheese). Although women usually try to eat as much this substance to bone strength.

4. Change appetite
You wanted to become a vegetarian? Disgusted by eating meat? The reason can be not psychological, and kidney disease. After an exchange of proteins in the body remain “waste” – nitrogenous substances. The need to take these toxins and encourages the body to block the flow of new portions of protein while cleansing. But outside of acute food should be varied: meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. When the excesses in the diet, and even in case of lack of water is the impetus to the formation of stones. If the person eats large quantities of meat, may have urate stones in vegetarians – oxalate, the milk lovers – phosphate.

5. Chronic fatigue
This symptom can testify about a variety of inflammation, and prolapse of the kidneys. The last – not just an anatomical feature, as it leads to weakness and manifested by aching pain. This often happens after gardening and lifting heavy weights after birth, the sudden weight loss. It seems that the salvation – rest. But it actually help exercise. There is a special therapeutic exercises to return “fugitives” in place. Useful and exercises, and swimming.

The most common signs of kidney disease:
– back pain, in the area of projection of the kidneys;
– problems with urination;
– change the color of urine.

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