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Ten reasons to start a day with a glass of water

Десять причин начинать день со стакана водыThis is the best way to start your day.

At that time, while we sleep, our body works and performs such important body functions as the restoration of damaged cells and inner cleansing, which is that the toxins are separated from the nutrients and “queued” for deletion.

That is why it is so important to drink water on an empty stomach, after just one glass of this wonderful liquid can initiate the process of removing prepared for a night of toxins from our body.

Many people prefer to immediately after waking up to drink other beverages. However, remember that water is the most useful option as it provides many benefits for our body.

This is good for the skin

Water on an empty stomach is an additional incentive for the health and beauty of skin. Our body should receive plenty of fluids, starting with the moment you Wake up in the morning, when all the system begin its work, therefore, water makes gives strength to the cells, removes toxins and helps maintain skin elasticity to make it longer looked young and free from early wrinkles.

Water acts as a diuretic (diuretic)

To remove toxins and waste in the process of the kidneys, it is important to support the functioning of a sufficient quantity of liquid. Water fasting helps to remove the wastes that accumulate in the kidney, as it stimulates the elimination of toxins through the urine.

Useful for the lymphatic system

Drink water on an empty stomach is extremely important to hydrate the lymphatic system and preventing inhibition of the activity of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing cortisol, hormone due to which our body is able to respond to stress.

Drink water on an empty stomach is helpful for digestion

When we drink water on an empty stomach, we stimulate our digestive system, helping her to cope better with the elimination of toxins, improving work of gastrointestinal tract, preparing it for the meal and the digestive process.

Water fasting speeds up the metabolism

Water is a key element for the proper functioning of our kidney system, which is responsible for ensuring that the body is using the fat for energy and not store it.

When we don’t drink enough water, the whole load shifted to the liver and this can develop problems with the body, disorder of metabolism, including, and slowing down metabolism.

Improves stamina

Drinking water is important in order to generate fluid for the lubrication of the joints, muscles and ligaments. Recommend every morning to drink water to ensure your body is getting enough liquids and have you energized for the whole day.

People who engage in any sport or just exercise, to drink more water to compensate for fluid loss through sweating during exercise.

Prevents urinary tract infections

Water on an empty stomach in the morning will also help you to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections for example, cystitis. When the body is dehydrated and the kidney is not enough liquid, there is a high risk of various types of urinary tract infections.

Helps fight fluid retention

Fluid retention is a problem that is usually caused by excess sodium in the body and other factors associated with nutrition.

Drink water on an empty stomach is useful for removing excess fluid from the body, which in turn helps the body to cope with inflammatory processes and to prevent various diseases.

Relieves symptoms of certain diseases

Water consumption has been linked to easing symptoms of certain diseases and ailments, among them we can mention such as arthritis, heart disease (e.g., tachycardia), asthma, bronchitis, kidney disease, intestinal constipation, premenstrual syndrome or migraines.

Regulates body temperature

Water fasting helps our body to regulate body temperature, improving the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

The benefits of water fasting are undeniable, but it’s not enough just to drink the recommended amount in the morning. It is important to drink at least two liters of water a day, gradually and at different times, so that benefits of water lasted for as long as possible.
Do not exceed two liters of water per day, as this can be harmful for normal functioning of the kidneys. Despite the fact that water is very good for the body, its excess can lead to overload and malfunction of kidneys.

In order to know my quota of water daily and do not exceed it, the following formula is used: weight (in kilograms) divided by 30, the total amount is the number of liters of water per day that you should drink. For example: if you weigh 60 pounds, your allowance is two litres of water a day.

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