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These products harm the bones

Эти продукты наносят вред костям Factors affecting bone health and joints, very much.

Among them not the last role belongs to food.

We all know that proper nutrition allows us to live a full life and to support internal organs, bones and joints healthy. An unbalanced diet, including junk food, can significantly affect our health and cause serious problems.

It is important to know and avoid consumption of many products which adversely affect the condition of the body.

1. Soda

Soda contains a lot of phosphoric acid. And it interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body, thus causing harm to our bones.

2. Coffee

No one is saying to completely abandon the drink. But three cups a day is all you can afford. Because coffee contains a xanthine, which leaches calcium from the body. Ever noticed that after a good drink you often run to the toilet? That is exactly what all of the calcium out of our body.

3. Salt

It contains sodium, which also contributes to the loss of calcium.

4. Alcohol

Well here everything is clear. Alcohol not only washes away the calcium from the body. It still leads to random and unpleasant injury.

5. Red meat

Don’t go overboard with it. It promotes the excretion of calcium through urine.

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