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These fragrances will noticeably improve your life

Эти ароматы заметно улучшат вашу жизньThe smells that surround us, can change our mood and even influence memory.

It turns out that the smell of success — not a metaphor, but it is certain chemical substances that occur in our everyday life.

Researchers have shown that the smells that surround us, can change our mood and even influence memory.

1. Peppermint improves cognitive memory, i.e. the ability to acquire knowledge. This was proven by the experiment of the Institute of sense of smell: the test subjects who inhaled peppermint, showed the best performance in tasks associated with memory,visual motor skills, recognition. Also, peppermint works wonders in the gym, another study showed that after 10 days of drinking water with peppermint solution significantly increased performance on the treadmill.
Try: Going to the gym, drip on the wrist a few drops of peppermint essence.

2. Cinnamon, sprayed in the air and improves the responsiveness and eliminates depression in those who inhaled its particles, according to the 2009 study. In addition, in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s disease” in 2013, an article was published about the ability of components of cinnamon — cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin to inhibit the development of guess what? Right, Alzheimer’s. Compounds of cinnamon extract showed an active ability to prevent the formation of fibrillar “tangles” in brain cells characteristic of this disease.
Try: hang in the car, “the Christmas tree” with the scent of cinnamon and don’t hesitate to pour it in coffee.

3. Jasmine will help you sleep like a baby. A 2010 study published in the “Journal of Biochemistry”, shows that after a spray of Jasmine in the air, the subjects enjoyed a more tight closure of the eyelids, less tossing and turning and awake, experienced less anxiety.
Try: Drink a Cup of Jasmine tea before bed, or light the Jasmine incense sticks.

4. Rosemary improves concentration, speed and accuracy of performance of intellectual tasks, says a 2013 study at Northumbria University.
Try it: add hot a sprig of rosemary. Obamaite aroma of food every day, soon you should notice an increase in productivity.

5. Lavender, like Jasmine, has a sedative effect. Research Wesleyan University 2005 showed that inhalation of lavender before bed helps to fall asleep faster and Wake up less during the night.
Try it: Pour in a bowl 2 cups of boiling water and add 10 drops of lavender essence. Lean over the bowl, covered with a towel, and inhale the steam for 1 minute. Now your normal sleep.

6. Lemon, orange and grapefruit reduce stress. Brazilian scientists have discovered that those who sniffed orange oil before a stressful test, showed lower levels of anxiety.
Try: clean fresh grapefruit or orange and place the peel on the desktop. You can also use a citrus shower gel.

In addition, they found that the smell of cleaning products at the cultural level gives rise to a positive Association. A study by the University of young Brigham after he was caught the year 200 showed that freshly laundered smell of the room contributes to a more ethical and generous behavior. The subjects, who spent some time in the room, which washed the chemical cleanser was more interested in volunteer activities and donating money to charity

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