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There were pictures of threatening the Earth star

Появились снимки угрожающей Земле звездыETA Carinae, becoming a supernova, it may leave our planet without the ozone layer.

Astronmy took the pictures in a good resolution is very unstable and the large star ETA Carinae, the explosion of a supernova could threaten life on Earth, according to the website of the European southern Observatory (ESO).

The star ETA Carinae is an extremely exotic dual system, consisting of perhaps the biggest star of the Galaxy weighing 120-150 Sun and its “small” companion, whose mass is only 30-80 times higher than that of our sun.

The pressure of light inside the bowels of the star is so large that bursts of activity within These Keel literally “rip off” outside the veil of stars, throwing them into the open space.

European astronomers have obtained the most precise to today, photos of the star, each pixel which corresponds to a length of just 14 astronomical units, the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (149 million kilometers).

Thanks to these pictures, the scientists were able to accurately measure the rate of loss of mass of the larger star.

It is explained that such measurements are necessary to assess how soon ETA Carinae will become a supernova, the power of which is such that its explosion could in theory threaten the Earth, despite the huge distance between the Sun and the mega star.

If “axis” is a supernova aimed at Earth, the explosion will destroy all satellites in orbit and probably will deprive the Earth of its ozone layer, which can cause catastrophic consequences for life on our planet.

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