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The state of Vladimir Putin’s counted again

At the time, the GDP has commented on the rumors about his fabulous wealth: “It’s just nonsense. All dug from the nose and smeared it in their papers”.

And You know, I fully agree with him.

No, I will not argue with foam at the mouth, the current President of Russia lives on “a measly 70 thousand pounds” (British tabloid the Sun). Of course, that the members of his family, friends and entourage, there are certain incomes that allow GDP to create some sort of “rainy day Fund”. Because any intelligent person (I hope that You will agree with me that Putin is not a fool) would have to think about the future GDP in this respect can not be an exception.

To argue about whether or not he has a “stash” is meaningless – it has one. But its size is a favorite theme of all Western media, which is a fabulous number that are only able to know or say.

Personally, I always determine the degree of lies the size of the “plugs” which give voice to Western journalists. For example, I have mentioned tabloid the Sun, to bring such alleged fortune of the Kremlin judoka from 28 to 140 billion pounds. A good estimation, right? ))))

But pay attention to such a trifle – the tabloid Sun frankly admits that he knows nothing about the size of Putin’s wealth. British scribbler just took two, favourite number: 28 “lard” – it was voiced in the report of the CIA back in 2007, and 140 “lard” came not so long ago, financier William Browder.

Well, by the CIA about the size of the state GDP it is clear – they pay for that they all, including Putin, were convicted of corruption. And that sounded American “007”, the numbers are exaggerated several times, clear and without any evidence. The only question is, how many times exactly they have increased…

William Browder is also clear – in 2005, GDP flooded this financier of Russia, covering the following year, his Fund, in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Since then, Browder has vowed to end his days to avenge the master of the Kremlin for the offense. In this regard, he led a campaign to investigate the theft of income tax, which allegedly paid his Fund to the Russian budget by the end of 2006 and is engaged in the search for the killers of a lawyer of his Foundation, Sergei Magnitsky, “revealing” that the theft…

But the interesting thing is that neither Browder nor the Russian government to date has not voiced the true reasons for the ban on entry into Russia, the British financier…

Now let’s talk on this theme: where Vladimir Putin can store 140 “lard” pounds? Состояние Владимира Путина ещё раз посчитали

Putin: Damn, where’s the loot?

In a purse or backpack, they obviously will not fit.

With that kind of money, never store in Russia, they will not – it makes no sense.

So, where is the magic cave “SIM-SIM” Putin?

Sure she’s not in her nature – it exists in the fevered imagination of Bruderhof”. Who-who, and the Americans have long since found would Putin’s wealth and impose on them his paw to spoil the mood.

And if still to assume that the 140 Putin’s “lard” actually exist, in this case, we can safely say that Western politicians allow him to store such fabulous wealth in their banks, it means he is one of the leaders of international organized crime groups… )))

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