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The spice that prolongs life

Специя, которая продлевает жизньRegular consumption of curry spice can be effective in prevention of dementia.

In addition, laboratory experiments have confirmed that curry can even prolong life.

As shown by studies with Drosophila flies, turmeric, from which the popular cooking spice curries, prolongs life by 75%.

Also, scientists believe that eating curry protect the brain from dementia. In their view, this explains why elderly people living in India is much less common problems with the mental powers than the representatives of the countries of the West.
As you know, dementia is associated with accumulation of amyloid protein plaques in the brain. The substance curcumin contained in curry, does not dissolve these plaques, however, promotes the formation of new nerve fibers by reducing the number of their predecessors, known as oligomers.

According to one version, the oligomers are the cause of the disease, since getting into ganglia, they inhibit the conduction of nerve impulses. In addition, they can destroy brain cells by piercing their membranes. Thus, scientists hope that drugs designed to combat oligomers, can stop the development of dementia.

As for turmeric, it is used in folk medicine for millennia. It is useful for digestion, helps fight infections and protect against heart attacks, thrombosis, cancer and pain.

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