Home / Medicine / Mask from turmeric for face: the power of spice

Mask from turmeric for face: the power of spice

Маски из куркумы для лица: сила пряностиTurmeric is a spice, which is the birthplace of the hot East.

If before you know turmeric only as a spice, it’s time to get to know its cosmetic properties.

Dermatologists recognize: turmeric really transforms your skin!

Turmeric known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties since Ancient India, but only recently scientists found that its properties do not stop there! Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, can reduce inflammation, redness, improve complexion, reduce wrinkles and smooth the skin!

“Turmeric has incredible potential in anti-age cosmetics,” says Dr. Barbara close, a dermatologist that studies properties of plant extracts, its application affects the production of collagen, the skin’s protective function, and a special substance tetrahydrocurcuminoids are only found in turmeric, can enhance the natural ability of the skin to protect from ultraviolet radiation”.

Turmeric is a fairly sharp spice, but absolutely safe when applied topically. Even the sensitive skin can make a mask out of turmeric, without fear of irritation.

And — just to remove born to your question — no, it will not stain your skin yellow. The main thing is to thoroughly wash off a mask of turmeric with skin.


Mix a pinch of turmeric pulp with half a banana, bring to a homogeneous texture and apply on problem areas for 10 minutes. The antibacterial properties of turmeric relieve redness, and zinc, contained in banana will reduce the inflammatory process.


Mix a teaspoon of brown sugar, a teaspoon of tomato juice half teaspoon lemon juice a pinch of turmeric and dilute with warm green tea to the consistency of thick cream.

Apply on skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

In this case, the turmeric acts as a catalyst for glycolic and citric acids, which bleach the skin.


2 teaspoons of mashed grapes with seeds and skin, blend with two pinches of turmeric, add a teaspoon of milled into powder sugar, a teaspoon of strong black tea, cooled to room temperature, and dilute it all with rose water to the consistency of toothpaste. Keep the mask no longer than 20 minutes.

Your skin will receive a boost of energy thanks to the powerful antioxidant resveratrol, glycolic acid will start the process of regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis, the tea gives it a tone and tightens pores. To make a mask of turmeric to rejuvenate the recommended 2 times a week, visible results in a month.

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