Home / Incredible / The scientists were able to reconstruct the face of Egyptian Queen Meritamon

The scientists were able to reconstruct the face of Egyptian Queen Meritamon

Ученые смогли воссоздать лицо египетской царицы МеритамонResearchers from Monash University, the University of Melbourne and Victorian Institute of forensic medicine, decided to reconstruct the face of Egyptian Queen Meritamon, who lived 2000-3500 years ago.

With the help of 3D-printer was created by the skull, and then a sculptor Jennifer Mann was able to reconstruct.

Egyptologist Janet Davey said: “we were faced with the task to determine the age of the Meritamon, and the Harbour Mitchell, technician at the Department of anatomy and neuroscience, then we will create a visualization of the face and skull that will print on a 3D printer. The whole process of printing took 140 hours, but it passed on a simple, consumer-level 3D printer. Mitchell divided the skull into several pieces to better capture details of the jaws and skull base”.

Finally, Mann was able to get to work on recreating the face. But research does not end there. Scientists will continue to try to find out the exact age of Miration, as well as the state of her health, to the mummification of course.

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