Home / Science and technology / The Russian government plans the publication of popular science magazine

The Russian government plans the publication of popular science magazine

The Russian government has worked out the launch edition of popular science magazine to stimulate the interest of Russians in science and the achievements of Russian scientists. On Thursday the newspaper “Izvestia”with reference to the representative of the Ministry of education.

Правительство РФ планирует издание научно-популярного журнала© Fotolia

“One of the ways to popularize science is the dissemination of scientific knowledge in modern and accessible form. This form can be scientific and popular educational publication that will attract public attention to the solution of actual problems of modern science”, — said the Agency.

The journal will be published on 48 pages in paper version and in electronic version available for tablets and smartphones based on operating systems iOS, Android and Windows. The magazine will be published every two months.

It is noted that the magazine will consist of several sections: the news block with brief messages about science and education, section of “Problem publication”, which will be collected the opinions of several eminent scholars on topical scientific and practical theme, the category “Technology” is dedicated to the achievements of applied science, innovation, most interesting technological solutions will also be sections on fundamental scientific works about the ecology and history of Russian science.

Circulation and the cost of the paper version is still unknown, the online version will be provided to users free of charge. The publication does not specify the date of the first issue.


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