Home / Incredible / The phases of the moon affect earthquakes, geologists

The phases of the moon affect earthquakes, geologists

Фазы Луны влияют на землетрясения, - геологиEarthquakes occur most often during the waxing moon.

Paul Jones and his scientists colleagues from the National Observatory in Los Alamos revealed the relationship between seismic tremors in California and the phases of the moon.

Earthquake shake the San Andreas fault almost every week.

This idea of scientists pushed data from the U.S. geological survey. The analysis revealed a strong correlation between tremor in the bowels of the earth and the location of the moon relative to the Earth.

The calculations showed that for one lunar cycle the lunar gravity in combination with the movement of the earth’s rocks cause seismic activity. In contrast, the tidal forces caused by moon phase, earthquakes are caused during low tide and not high tide.

Scientists have linked these events to the influence of the lunar forces on the tectonic stress and its release in the form of seismic and vulcanized discharge.

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