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The perfect Breakfast for schoolchildren’s health

Идеальные завтраки для здоровья школьников Breakfast should be nutritious, quick and helpful.

Traditionally at the beginning of the school year, parents begin to worry what to feed the baby in the morning, so he didn’t fall asleep in class. And was fed fresh and was well thought.

Of course, hot Breakfast is needed. And how to make it tasty and healthy, says our expert nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko.

1.The most energetic

Oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and starch. And in this case that’s a plus. Starch is digested relatively slowly, and the resulting glucose enters the blood in small portions. So energy after this Breakfast will last a long time.

Only use non-instant cereals and whole grains. To long of porridge in the morning not to bother, you can fill it with boiling water in the evening and in the morning just add warm milk and fresh fruit.

2.The most traditional

Buckwheat with milk physiologists call the perfect dish for the ratio of nutrients. About the benefits of buckwheat, but no milk uptake of these nutrients is reduced by a quarter.

Try not to tenderize it, not to raise the glycemic index. Let it be a crumbly mess and not a weakling.

3.The most nutritious

Cheese is calcium and protein, just what is necessary for a growing organism. And don’t say your child is not eating. Add the cheese a little bit of yogurt or natural yogurt, fresh fruit or berries and it all whisk blender. This cocktail will satisfy any student. Cheese choose low-fat – no more than 9% fat, and full of children – not more than 5%.

4. The easiest

An omelet is easy to “slip” into the stomach even in the morning. And perfectly saturates the body with protein. In addition, eggs are also a source of choline, a vitamin-like substance essential for a growing organism. So the omelet can be alternated with poached eggs.

Be careful with them need to be only if you are allergic to protein. But in this case it is not necessary to abandon the egg yolk.

5.The most trouble-free

This, of course, pasta, which is loved by all children. But it has to be pasta from durum wheat, is not boiled and not instant noodles. Supplement can be and vegetables, and beef a La “pasta Carbonara”. But such a hearty carbohydrate Breakfast should not be often. Ideally, when a child’s physical activity or exercise.

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