Home / Incredible / The mysterious city on the seabed was not built by people – scientists

The mysterious city on the seabed was not built by people – scientists

Загадочный город на морском дне строили не люди, - ученыеScientists say that such a city could not build civilization on earth.

Scientists from the University of East Anglia (UK) and University of Athens (Greece) came to the conclusion that the mysterious ancient city, the ruins of which were discovered in the Mediterranean sea, was built not by the people.

It is known that the mysterious ruins of buildings were found on the seabed in 2014. During the lengthy analysis, scientists estimated their age is about three million years.

These findings prompted experts to rack their brains because at that time people could not build a city. And nonetheless photography underwater ruins suggests that the structure is paved with slabs of pavement and rounded the base of the colonnades – an artificial nature.

Further detailed study of the ruins has confirmed that people by their appearance uncomplicated. This was established during the expedition, organized by the Greeks.

Also failed to find evidence that these structures are artificial nature. In particular, in a mysterious city had no household items, no traces of inhabitants, which are usually found in places of ancient settlements.

At the same time managed to shed light on the mystery of where the “city” thanks to the mineralogical study of the fragments of buildings raised from the bottom. It turned out that the “builders” were sulfatereducing bacteria, which helped the natural conditions of the area.

At the base of the buildings there are colonies of sulphate-reducing bacteria, which for centuries provoked the accumulation of sedimentary rock and dolomite containing carbonates of calcium and magnesium. In the end, these formations were polished over the centuries, becoming “the city”.

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