Home / Science and technology / The music in “Vkontakte” will be paid

The music in “Vkontakte” will be paid

Музыка во «ВКонтакте» станет платнойFree will only listen to the audio recordings.

Until the end of the year music in the Russian social network Vkontakte will be paid.

According to information published by the edition, free will only listen to the recordings at a time as adding to your page will be a paid feature.

Representative Warner Music Group notes that the price of this service will be comparable to the price of a Cup of coffee. Testing a paid music subscription while held in a separate music app.

It is planned that initially the changes will not affect the main platform of social network. However, they will be introduced massively in the coming months.

In addition to the paid features will be also added descriptions of all the artists and their singles. It is expected that the subscription will be implemented in according to the standard monthly models with full access to your library social networks.

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