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The most effective ways to cope with autumn depression

Самые эффективные способы справиться с осенней депрессиейFall, many suffer from depression.

Today it was a real, astronomical autumn. With all the accompanying rain, and the dank and bad mood.

The days are getting shorter, the light outside is not the same, leave behind, ahead of winter, cold and out of this dismal darkness comes the Ghost of autumn depression.

Because of the lack of light and bad weather, many people feel fall lack of energy, we become tired and lazy. And it’s only a couple of features that are declared in these days and you can accompany us until the spring. In scientific terms this condition is called seasonal affective disorder (sad).

Every autumn hundreds of thousands of people around the world struggle with it as I can. You have no doubt heard about the many ways of overcoming this unpleasant phenomenon. And here’s a selection of the most effective.

Good sleep – the key to success

This is true, a good night’s sleep contributes to good health, feeling fresh and full of energy throughout the day. Not in vain it is considered that one should not sleep less than eight hours a day, and in the fall to lie in bed and can longer. Some people, especially highly susceptible to ATS, required for 2.5 hours for complete recuperation. Usually fall sleep time is increased by 0.7 – 1.7 hours per day.

An integral part of the dream are comfortable mattresses and linen. Buy a set of bed linen cheerful colors and Wake up with a smile.

Fill your life with light

If in the autumn months you do not have enough light, “replace” sunlight artificial light. Purchase a light bulb at 100 watts, emitting warm white light and turn it at least three times a day for 20 minutes. A great option can be an led lamp.

In contrast to energy saving, they immediately burn at full power, do not overheat, are much longer and consume less energy. In addition to home lighting, also try phototherapy is a scientifically proven method based on the same principle.

Get more people

In the autumn should not be alone. Get new friends, call old friends. Arrange a cultural event or just go to the nearest coffee shop. Spend more time with family. Unfortunately, under the influence of SAR is often lost craving for social contact. Fight it every way!

In the end, do some volunteer work, help those who are in the worst situation.

Touch will help

It is scientifically proven that touch can help people overcome depression and sadness that reduce the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol, conversely, increase the level of oxytocin, bringing feelings of calmness, love, trust. Oxytocin is produced when stroking or cuddles, he plays in a person’s life irreplaceable role.

Recharge with positive energy will help acupuncture, acupressure, massage or Reiki.

Bet on sex

In addition to satisfying your reward will be the feeling of happiness, reducing stress, reducing back pain, burning of calories and also due to production of estrogen, shiny hair.

Autumn and winter partnerships break up more often than at other times of the year. This is just a violation of communication between partners, bad mood, depression, apathy, decrease in sexual desire. Work on your relationship!

Schedule of events

It is always nice to look forward to something. Psychologists believe that the best method of dealing with depression – planning and the desire to achieve the goal. Plan to start any event. Start preparing for ski season or even next summer vacation. Or just plan the next weekend. Autumn is a lot of cultural, educational and sporting activities that will surely lift your spirits and brighten leisure. So plan!

Go for a walk

Outdoors in any weather pleased to put in order my thoughts and just clear my head. Most importantly, don’t forget about warm footwear and appropriate clothing to autumn walks do not cause colds. Walk every day, even if you live in the city.

Warm up often

Physical activity and movement is another way of protection against sadness and depression. Choose any sport and give him time once or twice a week. And don’t focus on weight loss or new records. Your only goal in a good mood. Even if you are the type people with busy work schedule and dedicate the workout at least 20 minutes a day.

Eat right

The lack of sunlight leads to a decrease in serotonin levels. This is changing taste preferences. People are starting to consume more sugars – cakes, sweets, pasta, potatoes and rice. In very advanced cases, people may recover 20 kg per season.

So try and fall to follow a proper diet. Eat more proteins contained in meat and dairy products, vegetables and foods high in fiber and antioxidants, such as turnips, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.

To get rid of unpleasant thoughts, melancholy, bad mood will help omega-3 fatty acids. They are found in walnuts, Flaxseed, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna. You can take a spoon of cod liver oil once a day.

Enjoy the music

Music call food for the soul. At the sound of soft music in the brain occur in certain chemical reactions, helping to improve mood. Avoid, however, sad ballads, which can have the opposite effect on your mood.

Think positive

The main thing is understanding that in the autumn as at any other time of the year, life goes on. And it will be what you want it to do. Drop yourself from all the negativity and live life to the fullest.

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