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The milk will help smokers

Молоко поможет курильщикамMilk can help smokers to give up their bad habits.

The data suggest Dutch researchers, milk, fruits, vegetables and fresh water worsen the taste of cigarettes. Coffee, alcohol and meat, on the contrary, did the taste of the cigarette more enjoyable.

According to the head of research, Joseph McClernon, the findings will help to develop a special diet or chewing gum for smokers who wish to quit the habit.

In a study of 209 smokers were interviewed, what their diet has improved the taste of cigarettes and that, on the contrary, made it less enjoyable. 19 respondents said that dairy products were significantly spoil the taste of the cigarette. 14% complained about not codeinsurance drinks like water or juice, 16% blamed the vegetables and fruits.

44% of smokers said that alcohol significantly improved the taste of cigarettes, 45% reported that Smoking is cool in combination with tea, coffee or Cola, and 11% prefer the flavor combination of meat and cigarettes. Smokers who preferred menthol cigarettes, did not associate any products with changing taste of cigarettes.

In addition, the researchers plan to use a chemical silver acetate, which also changes the taste of cigarettes, making it unpleasant for the smoker.

However, use of these drugs and change in diet is the only treatment, is the only measure that should be combined with the intake of replacement therapy patches or chewing gum.

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