Home / Money / The main reason of family quarrels in Russia was the lack of money

The main reason of family quarrels in Russia was the lack of money

Главной причиной семейных ссор в России оказалась нехватка денег

The main reasons for family quarrels among the Russians are lack of money (37 percent) and lack of understanding (32 per cent). This is evidenced by the data of the survey “Levada-center”, published on the website of the organization.

Conflicts between family members arise because of the distribution of household responsibilities (28 per cent), solution to the question, who determine how to spend the money (16 percent), and problems with children (15 percent).

However, about a quarter of respondents (26 percent) never fight. At the same time, three percent of citizens with family scandals almost every day, eight percent once or twice a week, and in 21 percent of families conflicts occur one or more times per month.

During family quarrels almost never allow myself to insult opponents 42 percent, 39 percent do it rarely. At the same time, 13 percent of Russians use coarse language in a dispute often.

The majority of respondents (82 per cent) did not raise a hand to relatives. However, 12 percent of women and seven percent of men said that their lives were the cases of beatings by a partner.

Half of the conflicts occur between the spouses. About 18 percent of Russians are fighting with their children, 16 percent of parents.

The survey “Levada-center” was held from 22 to 25 July. It was attended by 1,600 people from 48 regions of the country.

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