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In Russia formed pseudoconstants on the basis of chauvinist mobilization

В РФ образовался псевдоконсенсус на базе шовинистской мобилизации

So the Director of the Analytical Center of Yuri Levada Lev Gudkov appreciated widespread in Russia’s attitude to world conflict. The apathy of the Russians in the search for alternative propaganda sources, he described more colorfully: “you Can lead a horse to water, but drinking it will not make”.

“Levada-Center” – in fact the only independent organization of sociological researches in Russia, which before the Duma elections was declared a “foreign agent”. Stricter laws restricted the activities of the centre, but close his mouth yet could not.

29 September – 2 October in Moscow hosted the international conference organized by the German non-governmental organization n-ost. It beeps shared his vision about the development of propaganda in Russia.

Significant fractures is through war

Gudkov recalled that the biggest change in the Russian media occurred during the Second Chechen war, which began in October 1999, During the war, the Kremlin essentially took over control of the media. Then began to close the mouths of intellectuals and parties. According to Gudkov, the Kremlin’s campaign was successful – gradually, there was a legitimization of Putin’s regime, grew in popularity.

When Russia showed signs of Wake – up people took to the streets in December 2011 after the Duma elections, then the protesters quickly and brutally silenced. After this has introduced more controls, they pointed to foreign organizations, began to draw up “lists of foreign agents,” began to create obstacles to the activities of non-governmental organizations.

In such a climate propaganda were heightened in March 2014 when there was the annexation of the Crimea and started war in Ukraine. Gudkov emphasizes three main themes, which played propaganda: the head was hammered, that the Maidan was orchestrated by the West, the USA, the Pentagon; Ukraine coup carried out by the Nazis”Banderites”; the country violating rights of Russian-speaking, especially through the prism of the Russian language.

The peak of demagoguery was reached, when have adopted anti-American, anti-Western motives and began to draw Parallels with the Second world war and followed by the cold war, have become primitive to intimidate Third world war. “Propaganda sounded notes of WWII, and it sensitively responded to many Russians, propaganda has successfully penetrated various strata of society,” Gudkov said.

The result is obvious – the research of “Levada-Center” show that over the time, as the media was under the control of Kremlin hostility toward the United States increased from 15 to 83%, to Europe also increased, but not so up to 70-75%. Dissidents called traitors, fifth columnists and enemies.

“After Maidan, Russia has ceased to consider themselves Europe. We have our own way,” – said Gudkov.

The trust in TV has dropped, but so what?

In Russia, the most actively spreading propaganda on television, which remains an important medium. However, trust in television has decreased significantly. Especially in the last 1.5 years. According to the “Levada-Center”, if in 2009-2010 the trust in television ranged from 75-85%, at the end of 2015 fell to 49%.

“Despite the fact that the level of trust in television has declined, it still remains strong and represents many of the alleged “reality” – said Gudkov and explained why the decreased level of trust. – You could say that people are just tired of the monotony of propaganda, but that’s not entirely accurate. Rather, go back to Soviet distrust of the monopolistic, aggressive propaganda. But it’s not causing resistance, just doubts and distancing. Socio-psychological mechanisms cause paralysis, isolation”.

In General, the situation on the media market, according to Gudkov, is deplorable. In Moscow, you can choose from a considerable number of publications, but in the province, no such choice. Reading periodicals, in comparison with the Soviet period has decreased in 3-3,5 times, interest in radio about 2 times over the last 10 years. Although the Internet, according to the “Levada-Center”, is used by more people (at least once a day 73%), but online media are unable to fill the shortage of information. “Internet media is not the authority. They create a certain fragmentation, but not credible,” – said Gudkov.

Alternatives are not looking for

Another big problem is that although physical access to the information there, but it is not in use. “There appeared such pseudoconstants, on the basis of chauvinistic, Patriotic mobilization”, regrets beeps and gives an example of such serious issues as the hot conflicts – the war in Syria, war in Donbas remain in a purely Russian information field. According to him, although about 30% of people, including young people, speak foreign languages, the foreign media are only 0,5–1,5%.

“You can lead a horse to water, but drinking it will not make” – sadly summed up hooters and added that people tend to use and trust the media, which coincide with their opinion.

The Director of “Levada-Center” regrets that due to financial resources, lack of demand and difficulties that are satisfied with the regime, no independent media. Gudkov called last support free media: Rain, Slon.ru, Colta.ru “Novaya Gazeta”, “Vedomosti” and a few more. However, the “Echo of Moscow”, previously standard, now does not meet the standards of independent media: “the Situation was very ambiguous, I can say that once the “Echo of Moscow” was an independent channel,” said Gudkov, who, by the way, the event changed the chief editor of “echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov, who at the last moment refused to participate in the discussion.

Another problem is the Western media goes out of Russia, for example, “Voice of America” and “Radio Liberty” in Russia now available online, on the radio do not broadcast them. “The spread of Western, democratic values is very complicated,” – said Gudkov.

According to the Director “Levada-Center”, do all independent media taken together reach an audience around 5-6 million people, and is nothing in a country with 140 million population. The joy of individual small channels that their audience is growing, do not light the light at the end of the tunnel.

Capacity is limited

“The problem is more than it seems. I honestly don’t know and how to solve it”, – noticed the pessimistic Gudkov.

However, according to him, 10-15% of the population of Russia is still possible to persuade the side of the West, the potential may even increase to 30-35%. But it is very difficult, because hindered by lack of alternatives and Finance. And the question remains, can this number of people to contribute to changing values. The opposition in the Duma elections suffered a painful defeat, because already this year, their power was restricted, they are harder to break into the air, and in the future it will be even harder.

Gudkov also said that many Russians are not blind, they understand that prices are rising, that there is corruption, but politicians lie – it has become the norm. However, when the citizens asking questions about foreign policy – relations with the United States, often there is no understanding – either have to accept or reject the information that bears propaganda. This, according to him, again it is a vicious circle – if no other sources of information, opinion will not change.

“The point is not fear, despite the fact that over the past 7-8 years, it has increased. But this is not a new fear, this updated of the Soviet era. The essence lies in the post – Soviet mentality- better to remain silent, not to Express their opinion”, – said Gudkov and noticed that the mood in society and its behavior is somewhat reminiscent of what happened in Germany before the advent of the Hitler regime.

According to him, the total apathy shown by the Duma elections, which will go down in history with a record low voter turnout. The elections came only 47,8% of the vote in 2011 – 60%. Extreme passivity of the distinguished residents of large cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg came to the polls only 30% of voters.

Polls “Levada-Center” showed that nearly 70% of survey participants anything from these elections was not expecting – neither good nor bad. “It’s just a ritual of power. We see the withering away of political and media competition and General apathy. This apathy gives the fruit,” Gudkov said and added that the apathy of the beneficial regime. In his opinion, the authorities also did everything for the low voter turnout. He believes that apathy is one of the structures supporting the dictatorship.

And where is seen the world of the Russian youth? Hooters offers great hopes on the Russians tasted the Western life. A large part of those leaving to study in the West, not returned, not participating in life. The second part, returning, become even more dangerous: “some of them even became an ardent Putinists, rejecting Western values, because not managed to overcome their inferiority complexes. The potential of the former liberals began to support Vladimir Putin. Others fit into various structures, for example, business, but they do not show themselves in public or especially in political life.”

According to Gudkov, intellectuals, literature, education expelled from society, they have no leverage, and in the meantime propaganda has taken over history, war narrative.

“It should be the turning point, but it’s hard to say when. While decisiveness is not clear”, – said the Director of “Levada-Center”.

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