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The existence of the world from the perspective of quantum mechanics

Are countless testimonies of people who experienced clinical death and allegedly visited in the afterlife. They saw themselves from outside, swept through some tunnel communicated with strange entities… near-death experience (near-death experience: NDЕ — in English abbreviation) is the name of this phenomenon.

Существование того света с позиции квантовой механики

But what it still shows?

This issue once again excited progressive community, after she met with a sensational statement by Professor Stuart Hameroff from the departments of anesthesiology and psychology at the University of Arizona and concurrently Director of the Center for the study of consciousness at the same University. He said that human consciousness does not disappear without a trace after his death, and literally absorbed into the fabric of the Universe. And supposedly the mechanism required to implement this process, we have embedded in the nervous system.

Materialists deny the existence of the soul — some immaterial substance, which assert idealists. And which, in their belief, after death leaves the physical body, but may return. As is the case with temporarily dead — those who only stood on the threshold of “the other world”. Therefore, materialists, explaining NDЕ, sin only for a kind of hallucination generated by a dying brain.

Hameroff, in fact, reinforced the idealist view of the material. Said about the physical processes associated with the movements of the shower.

So, may be, and in fact, all of us in addition to the visible world, there is some other? One in which dwell the souls who left the body? Or even the Lord himself, the Kingdom which is “not of this world”?

The quanta of consciousness

Interpreting NDE in the TV channel Science, Dr. Hameroff said that the human brain is a natural quantum computer, our consciousness — its software and the information stored at the quantum level.

According to the anesthesiologist, quantum information cannot be destroyed. Therefore, after the body dies, it merges with the Universe. And there may already exist indefinitely.

— This information is the soul, ” says Hameroff.

If the patient is resuscitated, the soul comes back from space with the appropriate memories. And the walking man tells the story of the tunnel, bright light and how out of your body.

Stuart Hameroff and his colleague sir Roger Penrose, famous British physicist and mathematician from Oxford, has developed and now are defending the so-called quantum theory of consciousness. According to this quasi-religious theory of the human mind, respectively the quantum nature.

The new theory that provided the carriers of consciousness is located in neurons protein microtubules (microtubules), which first took the humble role of “rebar” and the transport of intracellular channels.

Hameroff in 1987 in his book Ultimate Computing suggested that microtubules are undervalued. That is not the neurons, but they accumulate and process information. Then the Professor convinced that Penrose, who was himself thinking about what ideas about the brain it’s time to reconsider.

Now scientists prove: the microtubules in its structure best suited to be carriers of quantum properties in the brain. Because they can a long time to maintain the quantum state. That is, working quantum computers.

— When the heart stops supplying blood to the brain, the microtubules seemed to be exhausted, — says Hameroff. — However, the information contained in them, not destroyed, not lost, but goes into space.

Carriers of quantum information and, therefore, the soul, according to the Professor,is woven from a material, “is much more fundamental than neurons — from the very fabric of the Universe.”

— I think that consciousness or what preceded it, has always existed in the Universe, — says Hameroff. — Perhaps not since the Big Bang.

Materials stan-molozhe.ru

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