Home / Incredible / The eruption of Yellowstone would be a disaster – the scientists

The eruption of Yellowstone would be a disaster – the scientists

Извержение Йеллоустона станет катастрофой - ученыеLava will destroy all life in the vicinity of the volcano.

Experts told about the possible consequences of the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano.

Scientists have determined that over the last two million years Yellowstone volcano has erupted three times, thus forming a major change in the landscape of the planet. It is now known that the volcano began to show minor activity, which could be a precursor to another eruption.

According to experts, another SUPERVOLCANO eruption is unlikely to lead to the end of the world. Currently Yellowstone is almost exhausted, therefore, will not cause catastrophic consequences. In addition, the volcanic eruption will occur not earlier than 150 thousand years.

The volume of ash that will throw the volcano the next eruption will cover an area of over 800 kilometers. This can lead to acid rain and cause global cooling because of a dense gas cloud will begin to reflect the sunlight. Despite this, scientists are not worried about the possible end of the world. At present, humanity already has the technology that will help to quickly clear the atmosphere from pollution.

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