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The end of human evolution?

Конец эволюции человека?

Man is not only biological, but also social and cultural. What is culture?

In the broadest sense, culture is a set of sustainable forms of activity, without which it can not reproduce.

This definition covers cultural and biological (cellular), and various forms of human activity and national culture, and social phenomena…

The concept of culture connects the object with its environment, shows the relationship of the internal structure of the object’s external behavior and the organization of matter.

The simplest examples of biological cultures can be a colony of cells, bacterial mats, lichens (colonies of fungi and microscopic algae). They are not just formless BLOB of cells, but form complex living structures, with a unique shape, properties, chemical composition, etc.

More complex biological culture constitute different populations, species, ecosystems.

What do we understand by national culture? It is not only behavioral forms, traditions, rituals, activities, etc., but, of course, and genetic features of a group of people.

How linked genetics and culture? How they affect each other and the evolution of the species?

In a previous article about demographics I wrote about the fact that each people, each culture has a certain population limit. Upon reaching a certain optimal number of the population stabiliziruemost and remains at this level. Scientists say about such people that they have overcome the demographic transition. Russia is among such countries.

What does it mean? This may be compared with the development of the human organism after birth. Up to a certain age the body grows, then growth stops and stabiliziruemost. How much of a man nor feed above, he will not. Stronger, smarter, maybe thicker, but not higher. That is, further development is not biological, but psychological, intellectual, moral…

The same can be said about any nation, as human culture. After reaching a certain demographic, and socio-economic level, the nation is entering a stage of maturity. This crisis period because it requires people of spiritual maturity and realization of his unity, is ready to carry out its historical mission, i.e. of self-realization – as a people as a whole and each individual separately.

If not, then the nation starts to degrade and degenerate. Increases aggression, suicide rates, morbidity and mortality younger, the birth rate is declining, the population is aging, etc. Replenishment of the population due to immigration contributes to the improvement of the nation, but leads to a loss of culture as such, its dissolution.

Apparently, so have disappeared from the face of the Earth many ancient cultures and civilizations. Throughout history one culture has disappeared, the other emerged, but increasing the total number of people on the planet. This means that when the demographic limit of the entire population of the planet will inevitably occur as global demographic transition. And we have to be mentally ready for it. This applies especially to those peoples and countries who have already overcome their local demographic transition. They bear greater responsibility than less developed countries.

What is this global demographic transition? This transition to a new evolutionary level on a planetary scale. It is not only a qualitative change in attitudes, relationships, but also the genetic phenomenon – the end of human biological evolution, consolidation and perpetuation of the results achieved evolution. This is a major historical milestone, summary of historical results. Future life on our planet will only be on the principles of harmony and in harmony with nature.

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