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The earth is not eternal grace…

“Remember forefathers — reserved do not touch” — the title of the last article, one of the founders of many Russian reserves, the author of a huge number of publications devoted to the problems of the reserves, doctor of biological Sciences Felix Shtilmark. These words are a call to all mankind to leave alone the few wild corners where, still alive to the wild.

Devastating for the Russian reserves, the catastrophe began with the fact that in the nineties of the last century they were forced to “earn a living”, having lost the ability to obtain the necessary financial support from the state. It was then that these purely scientific and environmental organizations were allowed into their territory the first paid visitors. Just in order to survive. Later in the binding tasks of the reserves included a clause stating that they must develop “cognitive” or “ecological” tourism to develop routes, to pave the paths, prepare the place for guests to relax and begin “rowing, finally, real money”, freeing up at least some of the suffering the neck of the state, where the territory was in 1916.
Naughty Director reserves, which such a task seemed to be unacceptable, was forced to resign, and obedient scratched his head and began to come up with routes, officially launching on previously untouchable areas of tourists, feeling the need of contact with nature. And since then, the reserves have practically ceased to be reserves, because the conservancy is not that other, as full immunity.

Infinitely dear me, Feliks Robertovich Shtilmark, in his book “report on the lived,” wrote: “it is Impossible to justify the destructive policy of rapprochement functions of nature reserves and national parks. As for so-called ecotourism in the reserves, then it is direct penetration of business and Commerce, under various specious pretexts and excuses”.

So, “business Commerce” snuck into the same in the Holy of holies in the reserves. And this process is not remain without attention of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In the result of intensive brain activity of the deputies managed to develop a number of amendments to the law that not only allowed “the placement of objects of capital construction” on the territories of nature reserves, but also provide an opportunity to change the boundaries of these territories. It happened in 2011. While the amendments have improved, it’s time optimization. Very quickly in the regions were conducted the work, and officials successfully “reorganized in the form of merger” completely different status, giving them a new and euphonious name. As a result, as rightly says Valery Maleev in his article, “the country has lost its protected the firstborn — the Barguzin nature reserve”, transforming it by merging with the TRANS-Baikal national Park in the faceless “Podlemorye sanctuary”. Similarly, she had lost about twenty of their protected children, among whom was the reserve, where I had the privilege to work from 1990 to 2011, — the Baikalo-Lenskiy. Because of the onset of negative effects such as needed someone optimize I find it easier to judge the situation in this protected area, which bears the dubious name “Sacred Baikal”.

This area is located on the opposite of the “Protected Podlemorye” the Western shore of lake Baikal. The length of its big — almost six hundred kilometers of coastline of the lake, and covers an area of more than a million hectares. It is a complete lack of a security zone, a huge number of tourists and the rapid growth in the number of camp sites within the Park. Hence the fires, poaching, deforestation, landfills and low level of control coming to rest people.

Unsolved problems of the Park pulled the entire human and technical capacity of the reserve. Its territory was almost abandoned. Because it was so large scale fires of the past 2015, to extinguish which it was no one and nothing. For the first time in almost thirty-year history of the reserve in its territory burned over 100 thousand (!) hectares of taiga. Another 36 thousand acres burned in the Park. While fighting the fire, management had spent 225 million rubles. What can I say? Was deoptimizations!


More recently, the wild beasts trust people.

The delinquent Director was removed, but the problem remained the same. Now in the vast territory of the United PA works a single operations group, on the ground, not enough inspectors. Thus protected along the coast runs a huge number of ships (on lake Baikal there are about 1000). Many of them not having a permit, with impunity stand up to suck where they like. Cases of poaching. My friend and former colleague Sergey Shaburov, who has worked in the Baikal-Lena nature reserve for 25 years and retired in June 2016, said to me: “I can confirm that last fall, on the shore near the Wharf Cape Late waves was discarded carcass of a bear. The beast had removed the skin, cut off the paws and head. It is clear that the beast was extracted in the reserve. He was taken and thrown into the water near the shore, hoping that the carcass will sink. But this did not happen”.

Before from the window of the protected house on the Cape Late can be photographed playing with each other red deer. Now they are difficult to see even through binoculars. Two tabunka semi-wild horses that lived on the Deceased more than twenty years, over the past two years almost completely destroyed. With the advent of optimization in the reserve was interrupted by years of research, was forced to quit two candidates of Sciences, who worked in this organization for more than twenty years and defended the thesis.

But believe me, this is just the beginning. In June 2016 the restless state Duma adopted in final reading the first of his amendments. Now allowed to build up inside the reserves, the so-called protected landfills, where will be built the capital construction objects and laid the necessary infrastructure “for development of tourism, physical culture and sport”. The main thing — there would be investors and then among the protected mountains postroyut stadium or a ski resort. There are, no doubt! It was their suggestion that we have such absurd laws. Now, that being said, the case for small — to adopt a second amendment, according to which “changing the boundaries of state nature reserves are allowed in case of expansion of their territory or in case of exclusion from its structure of land whose use for its intended purpose due to loss of their special environmental, scientific and other importance is impossible.” If you build a stadium, or at least a hotel, the purpose — the preservation of nature itself would be impossible. This means, it will be possible withdrawal of land in favor of the investor. What is wanted, and got.

So, very successfully at the state level legitimized the theft of protected land. To “prihvatizirovat” the state, and therefore a draw, and then relax in the pleasure, and at the same time and earn for a peaceful old age and grandchildren in the new Lamborghini. In the beautiful and ecologically preserved areas. Thanks to the forefathers kept!


The killing of bears on the territory of the “Sacred Baikal” today have become someone’s constant Providence.

“If it is hard it hurts all of society, it is naive to expect he could save some part of it under environmental signs,” wrote Felix Shtilmark. Simple and straightforward cynical purposes of those people that to promote life is like antisabotage laws. The conscience of these people is not burdened by any moral standards and principles. Perhaps they never heard of Stillmark and do not read books. Don’t they remember the familiar childhood words of Mikhail Prishvin: “to Protect nature means to protect the Motherland”. Because their Homeland they sell. And not only so, but according to the law.

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