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The doctors told me how I learn to Wake up early

 Врачи подсказали, как научиться просыпаться рано These tricks will help you to get up early.

Psychologists and psychologists in one voice say: Wake up before it is useful, from whatever side you look. Yes, but how to convince your body that does not want to listen to intelligent advice? Experts tell you how to deceive themselves.

Why Wake up early

It so happened in our society that most of the jobs pay the money, begin in the morning. Sometimes at 8 in the morning, often in the 9 to lucky “owls” – 10. All that later, it might fall into the category of “violation of labor discipline” and punished financially. As “neither light nor dawn beginning to work in kindergartens and schools. This means that whether you want or not, and get up and collect children. And who cares what you “got, but did not Wake up”? In short, whether we like it or not, but waking up before most of us “Right! And the point”. It remains to understand how to do it.

Looking for new biorhythm

Scientists claim that sleep at night will be complete if its length is a multiple of 1, 5. That is, it can be 6 hours or 7.5. If you do not sustain this multiplicity, waking up will be difficult. Bioenergy give in this regard is quite hard for most people advice: to fall asleep at 9pm, Wake up at 4.30 am. It is possible to slightly shift to fall asleep at 21: 30, Wake up at 5. Tough? Then go to bed at 2300, half an hour porocytes, 6 a.m. – rise. Many people (among them lots of celebrities and “success”) is the biorhythm consider optimal for themselves.

Select a motivation

Our psychology is just a “soldier”. About devoid of any rational, absolutely emotional “so you want to sleep in a little bit” easily breaks the iron in the evening the intention to Wake up early. And to oppose this “I want a little bit” can only equal the charge of the emotion. There will have to delve into their own system of values. Give clues.

For people rational as the motivation for an early rise may be this information:

Waking up early is correct from the point of view biorhythms of the Earth. Scientists have proved that at sunrise changes the biochemical composition of human blood, the whole body as if being updated to meet the new day. Waking early in the morning – it means to throw a challenge to the Universe. And the chance to win this fight, there is little: later spill the body will harm. It is an axiom that does not change.

Waking up early for people focused on self improvement may help the statement of all without exception self-help gurus. Regardless of their “specializations” (Indian yoga, the adherents of the Slavic practices, followers of the Chinese philosophy, etc.) believe that sunrise is the best time for spiritual practices. Therefore, among the active followers of yoga “owls” is not found. Meditation also brings the most effect on dawn. Such good motivation? No? Looking for further.

Waking up early can theoretically get:

the aroma of coffee;
– desire to check your last post in social networks, email, etc. (in the evening will strengthen the will to close all Internet unreadable);
the fear of the head of the detsadika, which meets all the latecomers with “hands on hips” – is also a good motivation;
– award for myself from myself. So: week of lifting at 6 am on Friday buying a new lipstick. Or something else equally enjoyable.

Etc: list all the options of self-motivation is impossible, it requires personal work.

Create a nice background

The intention to Wake up early will be easier to implement if external conditions will work for you, not against. That is:

Waking up early is easier in the room with fresh air. Stuffy bedroom – haze, weakened will. Open at night the Windows are open, if you do not live on the side of the highway and not under the walls of a large factory. Or install the air conditioner on +18 – the optimum temperature for healthy sleep.

Comfortable cushion, nice linens – your invisible helpers in the fight against the habit of sleeping until noon. Cushion essential physiological condition for a good sleep, bed linen – more psychology, the power of which we mentioned just above.

Set alarm to repeat every three minutes. And put it so that the hand can’t reach. The experience of many generations shows that the fifth trill – unbearable, you need to stand to not to be angry, seriously.

To Wake up early, don’t need all night to spin in my head work projects, to dream of the boss and colleagues with laptop in his hands. Learn to switch off our brains at night! They will turn on at dawn and will operate so that to find motivation to Wake up early, do not need. But this will happen not earlier than 20 days. This is bad news. But the good new habit of waking up early are finally formed no later than 40 days.

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