Home / Incredible / The diver found in the ocean mysterious patterns

The diver found in the ocean mysterious patterns

Аквалангист обнаружил в океане загадочные узорыAt a depth of 25 meters, the diver noticed the wavy patterns.

Today man is studied only 5% of the world’s oceans.

But even where scientists have penetrated into the water column, their views were often presented amazing underwater phenomena, explanations which still failed.

In particular, Japanese photographer-glubokovodnykh managed to fix one of these phenomena.

Scuba diver Yoji Okata, which is a big part of his life spent under water, stumbled on the bottom for unusual patterns, to put it into a dead end.

At a depth of 25 meters, the diver noticed a wavy pattern that consists of two-meter round ornament.

Removing underwater pattern, the diver brought the scientists and asked them for explanations. However, even the experts were undecided.

Strange circles are obviously not natural origin, but who “drew” remains a mystery.

Аквалангист обнаружил в океане загадочные узоры

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