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The DICE will show a half-hour broadcast of the First world war

DICE покажет получасовую трансляцию Первой мировой войныDICE Corporation will restore the events of the First world war.

To watch the broadcast will be 30 minutes. Will be screened on 1 October this year.

Representatives from DICE announced that it will hold a half-hour show the single-player campaign Battlefield 1. During the upcoming broadcast can be seen in the episode titled “Through the mud and the blood”. The demonstration will take place on the first day of October at 23 hours GMT. By the way, Battlefield 1 is part of series of action games for current consoles and PC.

See also: Rare photos of Paris during the First World war. Photo

Fans will be able to evaluate it on October 21 on PC, PS4/PS4 and Xbox One Pro.

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