Home / Incredible / The depths of Neptune and Uranus may consist of “acid Hitler” – scientists

The depths of Neptune and Uranus may consist of “acid Hitler” – scientists

Недра Нептуна и Урана могут состоять из «кислоты Гитлера», - ученыеRussian scientists have modeled possible structure of the depths of gas giants .

Scientists have suggested that in the depths of the planets Uranus and Neptune can be a layer of exotic matter – orthogonal acid, which is also called “acid Hitler.”

Professor of Skoltech and chemists from MIPT, Artyom Oganov told that the “gas giants “middle class” such as Neptune and Uranus consist mostly of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. As a result of heavy pressure of several million atmospheres can form compounds that cannot be created in terrestrial conditions. For this reason, scientists put forward the hypothesis that the cores of these planets are composed of exotic substances.

Another reason for this conclusion was and created a new computer model of the subsurface of the planets the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

Недра Нептуна и Урана могут состоять из «кислоты Гитлера», - ученые

Oganov and his colleagues were interested in the process of “life” of the three chemical elements at high temperatures, O2, H2 and C, which are in these planets and the cores of the ice moons of Europe, Titan and Enceladus – in the oceans where life could exist or there are prerequisites for this.

Chemists told me that all of the compounds of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in addition to methane, water and carbon dioxide is thermodynamically unstable at atmospheric pressure. When increasing pressure, H2O and CO2 are stable, but CH4 at high pressure or decomposed and converted into heavy carbohydrates, or converted together with hydrogen in an exotic Secretary and hydrates.

Using special software, the researchers tested how these substances will behave, if they start to compress at a pressure of 4 million atmospheres. The result of this experiment, it was discovered a few unusual hydrocarbons, which maintained the stability in such conditions. In a similar way behaves the usual carbonic acid (Н2СО3), becomes thermodynamically stable at 10 thousand atmospheres, and its exotic derivative – gogolina acid.

Недра Нептуна и Урана могут состоять из «кислоты Гитлера», - ученые

He noted that previously, scientists believed that the oceans are in contact with the stone core and between the chemical reaction takes place. However, the work of chemists has shown that the core “wrapped” in a layer of crystallized carbonic acid, making the contact of the kernel and water of the ocean is impossible.

At a pressure of more than 3 million atmospheres reaction occurs with water and the result is ostrougolnaya acid (Н4СО4) that is unstable under normal conditions. The structure of the molecule ortogonal acid resembles a swastika, for which she jokingly referred to as “acid of Hitler.”

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